
Effective Fisher Vector Aggregation for 3D Object Retrieval

By Jean-Baptiste Boin, in collaboration with André Araujo, Lamberto Ballan and Bernd Girod

Image, Video and Multimedia Systems Group, Stanford University

This repository contains the code that was used for the work: J. B. Boin, A. Araujo, L. Ballan and B. Girod. "Effective Fisher Vector Aggregation for 3D Object Retrieval", in Proc. ICASSP, 2017. The dataset that was used for this work was the Sculptures dataset. We also provide scripts to run on a different dataset, the BigBIRD dataset. For that dataset, the camera poses are already known so the structure-from-motion step is not required for the POSE aggregation method.

Install prerequisites


  • ImageMagick
  • Dependencies of other projects that this project depends on (videosearch , Bundler)

Step 1: Clone the repository.

$ git clone

Step 2: The implementation that we use for the Fisher vector framework is based on the one by Araujo et al.: videosearch repository, with some minor modifications. We included a build script that should build all the executables that you will need for our project. If you have any issue with the build, please refer to the documentation in the original repository instead. The build script can be run with the following commands.

$ cd fisher_vector_aggregation_3d/videosearch
$ ./

Step 3 (optional): If you are planning to run POSE aggregation on the Sculptures dataset, you will need a structure-from-motion system. Our project uses Bundler, which has to be downloaded and installed on your system.

Prepare dataset

Step 1: Navigate to the code part of the repository and copy the file to your own file that will contain your own system-dependent paths that the project will use.

$ cd fisher_vector_aggregation_3d/code
$ cp

You will need to populate this new file with your own desired paths. NOTE: The paths should be absolute paths.

  • BUNDLER_DIR: Root directory of the Bundler install (only used if running POSE on the Sculptures dataset).
  • DATASET_DIR: Directory where the dataset will be downloaded to and where the generated files needed for that dataset will be saved (local features, cluster data, Bundler output, etc.).
  • OUTPUT_DIR: Directory where the retrieval indexes and the results will be saved.

Step 2: Run the following two scripts to download the desired dataset and organize it to the desired format.

The commands below will be used for the Sculptures dataset. The database part of the Sculptures dataset is obtained from the RGB-D dataset by Choi et al.. The queries were captured by the authors of this project and are included in the current repository.

$ python
$ python

The commands below will be used for the BigBIRD dataset.

$ python
$ python

Step 3: Run the following script to extract the local features for all the images in the dataset.

$ python

Prepare data for SIM or POSE (optional)


Run these steps if you want to evaluate Fisher vector aggregation under the SIM condition.

Step 1: Extract Fisher vectors by running the following script. The default parameters are the ones we used in our paper as a basis for SIM, but you can experiment with different values.

$ python

Step 2: The descriptor-based clustering will be performed in Matlab, so we first need to export the index built in Step 1 in a text format that can be read into Matlab. We first build the utility that will allow that.

$ cd export_global_descriptors
$ make
$ cd ..

Step 3: Run this utility with the following scipt.

$ ./


Run this step if you want to evaluate Fisher vector aggregation under the POSE condition on the Sculptures dataset.

The following script will run the structure-from-motion reconstruction on all objects using Bundler.


NOTE: This may take a very long time to run, especially for the objects with long videos.

Generate cluster data

Now we can generate cluster data (assignment of clusters to a set of frames for each object) by running the MATLAB script generate_aggreg_clusters_sculptures.m or generate_aggreg_clusters_bigbird.m, depending on the dataset you are using. The clusters for INDEP, RAND and TEMP (Sculptures dataset only) will be generated, as well as SIM and POSE if the code in the previous section was run. In that script, the list cluster_range defines the list of values for the number of clusters per input object. Each value will generate a different cluster assignment for each object.

Run retrieval evaluation

Finally we can run the aggregation and evaluation script for each aggregation method. This is done with the script, which can be run with different parameters. For simplicity, we provide scripts that allow reproducing the results obtained in the paper. Thus the baseline methods we reported can be run with the scripts below (note: the TEMP script will not run for the BigBIRD dataset as this method is not defined):

$ ./
$ ./
$ ./

And (if applicable) retrieval using our methods (SIM and POSE) can be performed with the scripts:

$ ./
$ ./

For each method, a separate directory will be created in the OUTPUT_DIR defined in The results are compiled in the file results/out_results.txt. Each line of that file corresponds to a different value of the number of clusters used per object (defined in cluster_range) and contains 3 values: the number of clusters per object, the mean precision at 1 and the mAP.

NOTE: Because of variations in the libraries you may be using and of the stochastic nature of the clustering algorithm for POSE and SIM, your results are unlikely to perfectly match ours. However they should be close enough for all practical purposes.


If you use this code, please cite:

J. B. Boin, A. Araujo, L. Ballan and B. Girod. "Effective Fisher Vector Aggregation for 3D Object Retrieval", in Proc. ICASSP, 2017 (Paper) (Poster)


title={Effective Fisher Vector Aggregation for 3D Object Retrieval},
author={Boin, Jean-Baptiste and Araujo, Andr{\'e} and Ballan, Lamberto and Girod, Bernd},
booktitle={Proc. ICASSP},