
Solarized based zsh configuration files + optional oh-my-zsh theme

Primary LanguageShell


Solarized based zsh configuration files + optional oh-my-zsh theme. You need to have a 256-colors term to use proposed colors.

My compliments to people who have worked on this project for converting me to zsh. This project based on their work mainly translates their colors to solarized color codes.


If you're still using an other shell than zsh, time to change !

Then :

git clone https://github.com/J1bz/zsholarized ~/.zsholarized
sudo ln -s ~/.zsholarized/z{login,logout,profile,shrc,shenv} /etc/zsh
sudo ln -s ~/.zsholarized/dir_colors /etc/dir_colors

You can also configure a single user shell :

ln -s ~/.zsholarized/zlogin ~/.zlogin
ln -s ~/.zsholarized/zlogin ~/.zlogout
ln -s ~/.zsholarized/zlogin ~/.zprofile
ln -s ~/.zsholarized/zlogin ~/.zshrc
ln -s ~/.zsholarized/zlogin ~/.zshenv
ln -s ~/.zsholarized/dir_colors ~/.dir_colors

Bonus for oh-my-zsh users

If you're still not using oh-my-zsh, you should definitely consider it.

If you're convinced yet :

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh)"

By default this is only available for the curent user. But you can make it global :

sudo ln -s ~/.zshrc /etc/zsh/zshrc

Then edit properties in ~/.zshrc or /etc/zshrc :
