• Redux is used to store and retrieve stored data, but not call API's.
  • Redux can be called inside mapController.
  • Every interaction with ESRI API should be done using mapController.js file.
  • mapController has acceess to a number of properties which are used to interact with map. For example, map and mapview are exposed through _map and _mapview.
  • If you need to access certain ESRI API, e.g get layer info, you can write a helper function and export it inside controller that takes in layer id and returns layer info, thus not directly exposing map to a specific component, but containing it within the controller.

Get Started (Node version 10 or higher)

You can use yarn or npm to get started.

  1. npm install
  2. npm run start

Application should open in localhost

npm/yarn Scripts

Bundles, serves, and deploys application in development environment to an S3 bucket using the Blue Raster AWS account. Watches for changes in src and webpack.config.js

  • npm run build
  • yarn run build

Bundles application in production environment. Consist of additional Webpack processes such as minifying, extracting CSS and gzip.

  • npm run debug

  • yarn run debug

    Runs node debugger to inspect issues with Webpack.

  • npm run lint:js

  • yarn run lint:js

    Lints *.js files in app folder using according to specifications in .eslintrc file.

  • npm run fix:lint:js

  • yarn run fix:lint:js

    Fixes lint errors.

  • npm run clean:build

  • yarn run clean:build

    Deletes contents of build folder


Application utilizes React for building user interfaces, Redux for state management.