
jQuery plugin: Testing various methods to determine whether user interaction occurs via mouse or touch.

Primary LanguageCSSOtherNOASSERTION


Testing whether user interaction occurs via mouse or touch.

Based on Stu Cox's 'Poke IT' method

This widget was an attempt to solve the biggest problem plaguing humanity in the history of ever: Was that a mouse or a finger? Detecting touch capability in general has been raising issues all over the place.

So, if used at all, they must be used very carefully. Sites should still relatively functional even if touch/mouse detection fails*

  • The issue of windows phones has not been addressed with this widget... or any plugin/method I have found.
  • Touch events are NOT supported by Firefox(from v. 24) or Safari(ever)
  • This has limited testing on iOS devices

The first several tests (the failing tests) aren't definitive of anything. They are included for completeness not functionality. If you decide to incorporate the widget, or the logic in your project, remove them.

##The Failing Tests: ####user agent test Check what the browser thinks it is (or wants you to think it is)

Why it fails:

This doesn't really tell you anything about a touch capable laptop, but if it flags ipad/iphone/blackberry/android then touch-only is a safe bet. Hide your hovers events! Hide them all.

However, touch-capable desktops exist, and userAgent can be faked. HULU.com checks whether you're on a phone/tablet or a computer via userAgent So if you'd like to watch Hulu on your phone and don't want to pay for hulu plus, just change your browsers useragent to 'desktop.'

####has touch capability The current modernizr solution for touch detection checks if touch.events exist at all by checking if ontouchstart exists

Why it fails:

Mobile browsers have been known to throw false negatives, and desktop browsers, false positives. Furthermore, in versions of IE where touch is supported, the pointer always exists but pointer type is not known till the event fires: https://coderwall.com/p/mfreca

And, most importantly, in many modern devices mouse and touch aren't mutually exclusive! http://gadgets.ndtv.com/laptops/features/ces-2014-hybrids-laptops-and-ultrabooks-roundup-469808

Ideally, the UI should respond to each appropriately, but never assume anything. The site should still be reasonably functional if everything goes wrong. The HTML5 people concur: http://www.html5rocks.com/en/mobile/touchandmouse

####height/width ratio & portrait mode Check media querie flag for protrait mode or check if height > width.

Why it fails:

  • If the width is under 800px, the user is more than likely using a phone.
  • If it's in portrait mode, it's probably a tablet/phone.
  • However, it could be resized window on a touch capable device, and many touch/mouse capable laptops have orientation detection.

#The Proposed Solution:

###listen for touch.events, mouse.events, and MS IE pointer.events

  • If a touch/(non-mouse type pointer)event is detected, enable touch functions and hide your hovers (and other mouse-only functions)
  • If a mouse/(pointer.type == mouse) event is detected, do your mouse-only things.

Since webkit/moz touch.events throw mouse.events too, a function with a quick timeout blocks the capture of mouse.events immediately after touch.events are fired to prevent false mouse.event positive

The draw back is that it should keep listening. (Although this can be disabled via options.keepWatching) Not the most efficient thing in the world, but in case your user goes from mouse to touch then back to mouse, you're covered

The event can/should be throttled or maybe even debounced though (options.throttleWatch) I just haven't implemented that part yet. If anyone wants to help...

###See the Demo page: http://jbeee.github.io/touchIt ###Test on codepen.io: http://codepen.io/jbeeio/pen/dpwkC