This is an obscenely simple program to add the UTC time to the MacOS Menu Status Bar. I desperately wanted two clocks as the network that I work on uses UTC Time exclusively for all of our devices. Converting in my head was a true pain. The latest version is 1.2a for Mac OS 10.6 and 10.7 (Intel) downloadable from GitHub in the Downloads section: --- Uses LaunchController, which is Copyright (c) 2010 Ben Clark-Robinson, Compiled under XCode 4 and MacOS 10.7. It will run just fine in all current MacOS versions, including Yosemite (10.10) NOTE: After you install this software, you still have to run it to use it: Double-click "UTCMenuClock" in your /Applications folder. If you want it to start automatically every time you log in , click on the UTC clock in the menu bar and select "Open At Login" ---- John Adams 12/2014 ---- This branch uses UTC instead of GMT for the clock. UTC and GMT are not interchangable time zones, they may differ by a few seconds. ---- JB 05/2016
Simple Objective-C based Menu Clock for Mac OS X. Displays the UTC time in the menubar and nothing more.