
My submission for the final assignment in CSC 360 - Operating Systems. The goal of this assignment was to read and write to a FAT12 formatted disk image according to its specification: https://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/fs/fat/fat-1.html

Primary LanguageC

Assignment #3 ~ FAT12
Jack Belford

    Part I:
        $ gcc diskinfo.c -o diskinfo
    Part II:
        $ gcc disklist.c -o disklist -lm
    Part III:
        $ gcc diskget.c -o diskget -lm
    Part IV:
        $ gcc diskput.c -o diskput -lm
$ make


$ ./diskinfo [diskImageFileName]
$ ./disklist [diskImageFileName]
$ ./diskget [diskImageFileName] [fileName]
$ ./diskput [diskImageFileName] [fileName]

Ex: $./diskinfo disk2.IMA


diskinfo - Lists some information about the disk according to assignment descrption

disklist - Lists files in the root directory including subdirectories

diskget - Copies a file from the disk into the current directory

diskput - Copies a file from the current directory into the disk