- 0
- 1
Test2DThreshold failures
#390 opened by marianotepper - 0
AssertionError in testNVQEncodings
#385 opened by jbellis - 3
Reenable usage of SimdOps.assembleAndSum. Implement Panama/Native equivalent for CosineDecoder acceleration
#367 opened by jkni - 2
- 1
Usage of imprecise fp-model=fast.
#360 opened by jbhateja - 4
Cosine metric calculation uses different precision in default provider than in Panama and native
#357 opened by k-jamroz - 3
RandomAccessScoreProvider with MapRandomAccessVectorValues + non-sequential IDs produces wrong centroid
#354 opened by vbekiaris - 1
jvector supports filter search
#348 opened by hanqiushi - 1
Investigate Fused ADC performance improvements from masking already visited nodes
#347 opened by jkni - 0
Experiment with VQ coarse quantization for PQ
#345 opened by jbellis - 0
JVector should clear scratch search structures when a search terminates exceptionally
#336 opened by jkni - 1
Experiment with direct i/o in OnDiskGraphIndexWriter
#324 opened by jbellis - 6
Decouple vector values from index creation
#330 opened by benayat - 2
- 0
add a RandomAccessReader implementation for jdk 20+ using modern MMap or MemorySegment
#278 opened by jbellis - 0
- 0
Writing with BufferedRandomAccessWriter is 2x slower than with BufferedOutputStream
#291 opened by jbellis - 4
FusedADC* classes could use some more explanation
#295 opened by rickjamesthe6th - 0
View interface could use class level javadoc
#292 opened by rickjamesthe6th - 0
GraphBuildBench comments
#285 opened by rickjamesthe6th - 0
Per version release notes
#286 opened by rickjamesthe6th - 0
List Lucene version used in README benchmark
#281 opened by rickjamesthe6th - 0
GraphIndexBench comments
#284 opened by rickjamesthe6th - 4
- 9
Is jvector going to implement FreshDiskANN
#289 opened by rickjamesthe6th - 1
- 4
Bad interaction between GraphSearcher pooling in GraphIndexBuilder and GraphIndexBuilder closing GraphSearcher
#272 opened by jkni - 1
Building larger-than-memory indexes, part 2
#259 opened by jbellis - 3
The most advanced vector search algo
#288 opened by rickjamesthe6th - 3
package jdk.incubator.vector is not visible
#287 opened by rickjamesthe6th - 5
Add Lucene benchmark code used
#282 opened by rickjamesthe6th - 3
- 3
Some notes
#279 opened by rickjamesthe6th - 1
GraphSearch#resume listed as experimental
#280 opened by rickjamesthe6th - 1
Merge LVQGraphIndex + ADCGraphIndex
#265 opened by jbellis - 1
add concurrent support for removeDeletedNodes
#274 opened by jbellis - 0
Don't write + read PQVectors in ADCGraphIndex
#264 opened by jbellis - 0
Fix Test2DThreshold
#260 opened by jbellis - 1
- 0
Encapsulate difference between similarity/bulk similarity in the score function API
#230 opened by jkni - 0
- 1
Thresholding, overquery, and compression
#254 opened by jbellis - 6
How can we get a unique id after vector recall
#253 opened by leohou0430 - 0
Add AVX-512 test runners
#245 opened by jkni - 0
- 2
Refactor SearchResult to avoid NodeScore[] allocations
#227 opened by jkni - 0
- 1
- 0
Introduce FloatSequences
#231 opened by jkni