
Talk to the packagecloud API, in Go

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Setup a Go Environment if you don't have one already

Then go get the pkgcloud

go get github.com/edwarnicke/pkgcloud/

You should now find:

ls ${GOPATH}/bin/pkgcloud

Client Usage

Get all packages in a repo

pkgcloud all <user/repo>

Get all packages with Custom Template

pkgcloud all <user/repo> -t <template>

The template is in Go template format

The following fields are available:

Template Description Example
{{.Name}} The name of the package "jake"
{{.CreatedAt}} When the package was uploaded "2017-03-13T02:49:29.000Z"
{{.Epoch}} The epoch of the package (if available) 0
{{.Scope}} The scope of the package (if available) null
{{.Private}} Whether or not the package is in a private repository false
{{.UploaderName}} The name of the uploader for the package. "test_user"
{{.Indexed}} Whether or not this package has been indexed. false
{{.RepositoryHTMLURL}} The HTML url of the repository. "/test_user/test_repo"
{{.DownloadDetailsURL}} The url to get access log details for package downloads. "/api/v1/repos/test_user/test_repo/package/rpm/fedora/22/jake/x86_64/1.0/1.el6/stats/downloads/detail.json"
{{.DownloadSeriesURL}} The url to get time series data for package downloads. "/api/v1/repos/test_user/test_repo/package/rpm/fedora/22/jake/x86_64/1.0/1.el6/stats/downloads/series/daily.json"
{{.DownloadCountURL}} The url to get the total number of package downloads. "/api/v1/repos/test_user/test_repo/package/rpm/fedora/22/jake/x86_64/1.0/1.el6/stats/downloads/count.json"
{{.PromoteURL}} The url for promoting this to another repository. "/api/v1/repos/test_user/test_repo/fedora/22/jake-1.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm/promote.json"
{{.DestroyURL}} The url for the HTTP DELETE request to destroy this package "/api/v1/repos/test_user/test_repo/fedora/22/jake-1.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm"
{{.Filename}} The filename of the package. "jake-1.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm"
{{.DistroVersion}} The distro_version for the package. "fedora/22"
{{.Version}} The version of the package. "1.0"
{{.Release}} The release of the package (if available) "1.el6"
{{.Type}} The type of package ("deb", "gem", or "rpm"). "rpm"
{{.PackageURL}} The API url for this package "/api/v1/repos/test_user/test_repo/package/rpm/fedora/22/jake/x86_64/1.0/1.el6.json"
{{.PackageHTMLURL }} The HTML url for this package "/test_user/test_repo/packages/fedora/22/jake-1.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm"

In addition, some 'methods' are provided:

Method Description
{{.DaysOld}} Number of days since the package has been uploaded. Derived from {{.CreatedAt}}
{{.Promote "user/repo"}} Promote the package to the named repo. Note: Does have side effects to packagecloud.io unless you use -d or --dry-run flags.
{{.Destroy}} Destroy the package. Note: Does have side effects to packagecloud.io unless you use -d or --dry-run flags.

Example: Filter for only packages with {{.Release}} equal "release"

pkgcloud all fdio/1710 -t $'{{if eq .Release "release"}}{{.PackageHTMLURL}}\n{{end}}' 

which produces output:


Lets break down some things about the commandline. First $'string\n' escapes the string so that newlines can be represented with \n. Second {{if eq .Release "release"}}...{{end}} is an if statement the body of which is only evaluated if Release == "release" Third {{.PackageHTMLURL}}\n outputs the package html url for any packages that match the if statement

Example: Promote packages with {{.Release}} equal "release" to "fdio/staging"

pkgcloud all fdio/1804 -t $'{{if eq .Release "release"}}{{.Promote "fdio/staging" }}\n{{end}}' -d

{{.Promote "fdio/staging" }} Promotes any packages that that passthe if statement to repo "fdio/staging".

-d causes this to be a 'dry run'... meaning it doesn't actually promote, just tells you what it would do to promote.

Example: Filter for only packages older than 415 days

pkgcloud all fdio/1707 -t $'{{if gt .DaysOld 415}}{{.PackageHTMLURL}}: {{.DaysOld}}\n{{end}}'

Which outputs:

/fdio/1707/packages/ubuntu/xenial/vpp_17.07-rc1~b2_amd64.deb: 416
/fdio/1707/packages/ubuntu/xenial/vpp-plugins_17.07-rc1~b2_amd64.deb: 416
/fdio/1707/packages/ubuntu/xenial/vpp-api-python_17.07-rc1~b2_amd64.deb: 416
/fdio/1707/packages/ubuntu/xenial/vpp-dbg_17.07-rc1~b2_amd64.deb: 416
/fdio/1707/packages/ubuntu/xenial/vpp-dev_17.07-rc1~b2_amd64.deb: 416
/fdio/1707/packages/ubuntu/xenial/vpp-lib_17.07-rc1~b2_amd64.deb: 416
/fdio/1707/packages/ubuntu/xenial/vpp-api-lua_17.07-rc1~b2_amd64.deb: 416
/fdio/1707/packages/ubuntu/xenial/vpp-dpdk-dkms_17.05-vpp5_amd64.deb: 416
/fdio/1707/packages/el/7/vpp-dpdk-devel-17.05-vpp5.x86_64.rpm: 416

Example: Filter for only packages older than 415 days and promote them to repo "fdio/backup"

pkgcloud all fdio/1707 -t $'{{if gt .DaysOld 415}}{{.Promote "fdio/backup"}}\n{{end}}' -d

In this command, {{.Promote "fdio/backup"}} promotes the packages that pass the filter of {{if gt .DaysOld 415}} to the repo "fdio/backup". Note the -d, which causes this to be a dry run. If you really want to perform the promote, remove the -d

Example: Filter for only packages older than 475 days and delete them:

pkgcloud all fdio/backup -t $'{{if gt .DaysOld 475}}{{.Destroy}}\n{{end}}' -d

In this command, {{.Destroy}} deletes the packages that pass the filter of {{if gt .DaysOld 415}}. Note the -d, which causes this to be a dry run. If you really want to perform the delete, remove the -d

Pushing packages

pkgcloud push user/repo/distro/version/ filename

There are two optional flags for pkgcloud push:

  • -d or --dry-run: which will tell you what would be done for pushing the package, but will not in fact push it, or delete if used in conjunction with -f
  • -f or --force: If and only if the package to-be-pushed already exists in packagecloud.io, delete it and then push.


This is based on the wonderful golang pkgcloud package provided by Mathias Lafeldt.