Trivial tool to {en,de}crypt things symmetrically. This is not meant to be very strong, just better than storing things in the clear. It uses AES in CTR mode, generates a random IV, and stores it at the beginning of the ciphertext.
Security Warning: please don't use this for anything serious. It should be correct, but it's not audited.
TODO: maybe use AEAD with cipher.NewGCM
Install with go get
go get -u
Or get a prebuilt binary from gobuilder:
AES256 keys are just 256 bits of randomness. We use them encoded in base58.
> key=$(senc --key-gen)
> echo $key
# this is the same as:
> key=$(head -c 32 /dev/urandom | base58)
> echo $key
cat plaintext | senc -k $key -e >ciphertext
cat ciphertext | senc -k $key -d >plaintext
key=$(senc --key-gen)
head -c 1048576 /dev/urandom >plaintext
senc -k $key -e <plaintext >ciphertext
senc -k $key -d <ciphertext >plaintext2
diff plaintext plaintext2
import (
senc ""
func encrypt() {
k := getKey() // 256bit key. can use: senc.RandomKey()
plaintext := io.Stdin
ciphertext, err := senc.Encrypt(plaintext, k)
if err != nil {
_, err = io.Copy(io.Stdout, ciphertext)
if err != nil { // dont forget to check this!
func decrypt() {
k := getKey() // 256bit key
ciphertext := io.Stdin
plaintext, err := senc.Decrypt(ciphertext, k)
if err != nil {
_, err = io.Copy(io.Stdout, ciphertext)
if err != nil { // dont forget to check this!