
This is a threaded version of halite 2 test data created by sentdex.

Primary LanguagePython

# original Script created by: Harrison Kinsley
# Threading added by: Jeff Beougher

# For data-creatorMT.py the following applies
# run this script from the .\Halite2_Python3_Windows\logs as python ..\data-creatorMT.py --runs # --workers # --cycles #
# you will need to create a logs directory as a child of the Halite2_Python3_Windows
# "#" needs to be an integer
# parellel python will need to be installed and a change to pp.py will need to be added  for python 3 on windows see pp forums for help
# https://www.parallelpython.com/component/option,com_smf/Itemid,29/topic,786.msg2038#msg2038
# https://www.parallelpython.com/

# For appendData.py the following applies
# run this from the root directory .\Halite2_Python3_Windows "python appendData.py"
# the program handles the rest of the processing of data