Nice to meet!

I'm Johan Bergström – a serial entrepreneur and geek born and raised in Sweden 🇸🇪. Since my early 20's have built, learned from failures and sold various tech startups using my skills in software engineering. Along the way, I've met incredibly talented co-founders and co-workers. I currently live in Santiago, Chile 🇨🇱.

After first embedding Spidermonkey in Python 2010 (cross-rendering John Resig's Micro Template), I've come to love the javascript ecosystem. I got involved in Node.js in its early stages and became a core contributor, ultimately taking a seat on the build infra team.

I deeply enjoy engaging in open source; through code, discussions or conversations. Reach out!


  • Tech lead at @Topsort
  • Improving the fastest starting Mariadb container
  • Managing a few github actions: hadolint, (private)
  • Researching WinterCG projects (Deno, Cloudflare Workers, Bun, ..)
  • Thinking about databases / data model at edge

Previously (notable)

  • Tech lead at Falabella Labs, Falabella Groups innovation unit
  • Co-founder & CTO @ Pageload (used my multiple enterprises in LATAM): A SaaS that makes websites load faster
  • Co-founder & CTO @ - Scandinavias (at the time) largest blogging platform (sold to Aller Media).