
A minibroker for your minikube!

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A minibroker for your minikube!

Minibroker is an implementation of the Open Service Broker API suited for local development and testing. Rather than provisioning services from a cloud provider, Minibroker provisions services in containers on the cluster.

Minibroker uses the Kubernetes Helm Charts its source of provisionable services.

While it can deploy any stable chart, Minibroker provides the following Service Catalog Enabled services:

  • mysql
  • postgres
  • mariadb
  • mongodb

Minibroker has built-in support for these charts so that the credentials are formatted in a format that Service Catalog Ready charts expect.


Run the following commands to set up a cluster:

minikube start --kubernetes-version=v1.9.6 --bootstrapper=kubeadm

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/helm-charts/master/docs/prerequisities/helm-rbac-config.yaml
helm init --service-account tiller --wait

helm repo add svc-cat https://svc-catalog-charts.storage.googleapis.com
helm install --name catalog --namespace svc-cat svc-cat/catalog --wait

Install Minibroker

helm repo add minibroker https://minibroker.blob.core.windows.net/charts
helm install --name minibroker --namespace minibroker minibroker/minibroker

By default only Service Catalog Enabled services are included with Minibroker, to include all available charts install the helm chart with --set serviceCatalogEnabledOnly=false.

Update Minibroker

helm upgrade --install minibroker \
	--recreate-pods --force charts/minibroker \
	--set imagePullPolicy="Always",deploymentStrategy="Recreate"


$ svcat get classes
     NAME             DESCRIPTION
  mariadb      Helm Chart for mariadb
  mongodb      Helm Chart for mongodb
  mysql        Helm Chart for mysql
  postgresql   Helm Chart for postgresql

$ svcat describe class mysql
  Name:          mysql
  Description:   Helm Chart for mysql
  UUID:          mysql
  Status:        Active
  Broker:        minibroker

   NAME             DESCRIPTION
  5-7-14   Fast, reliable, scalable,
           and easy to use open-source
           relational database system.

$ svcat provision mysqldb --class mysql --plan 5-7-14 -p mysqlDatabase=mydb -p mysqlUser=admin
  Name:        mysqldb
  Namespace:   minibroker
  Class:       mysql
  Plan:        5-7-14

  mysqlDatabase: mydb
  mysqlUser: admin

$ svcat bind mysqldb
  Name:        mysqldb
  Namespace:   minibroker
  Secret:      mysqldb
  Instance:    mysqldb

$ svcat describe binding mysqldb --show-secrets
  Name:        mysqldb
  Namespace:   minibroker
  Status:      Ready - Injected bind result @ 2018-04-27 03:53:09 +0000 UTC
  Secret:      mysqldb
  Instance:    mysqldb


Secret Data:
  database              mydb
  host                  lucky-dragon-mysql.minibroker.svc.cluster.local
  mysql-password        gsIpB8dBEn
  mysql-root-password   F8aBHuo8zb
  password              gsIpB8dBEn
  port                  3306
  uri                   mysql://admin:gsIpB8dBEn@lucky-dragon-mysql.minibroker.svc.cluster.local:3306/mydb
  username              admin

$ svcat unbind mysqldb
$ svcat deprovision mysqldb

To see Minibroker in action try out our Wordpress chart, that relies on Minibroker to supply a database:

helm install --name minipress minibroker/wordpress

Follow the instructions output to the console to log into Wordpress.

Helm Chart Parameters

Minibroker passes parameters specified during provisioning to the underlying Helm Chart. This lets you customize the service to specify a non-root user, or the name of the database to create, etc.

Local Development



  1. Create a Minikube cluster for local development: make create-cluster.
  2. Identify where you will push Docker images with your changes and set the REGISTRY environment variable. For example to push your dev images to Docker Hub, use export REGISTRY=myusername/.


Compile and deploy the broker to your local cluster: make push deploy.


make test

Each of the tests is broken down into steps, so if you'd like to see what was created before the testdata is removed just just the setup-* target, e.g. make setup-mysql.

There is an example chart for Wordpress that has been tweaked to use Minibroker for the database provider, run make setup-wordpress to try it out.

Dependency Management

We use dep to manage our dependencies. Our vendor directory is checked-in and kept up-to-date with Gopkg.lock, so unless you are actively changing dependencies, you don't need to do anything extra.

Add a new dependency

  1. Add the dependency.
    • Import the dependency in the code OR

    • Run dep ensure --add github.com/pkg/example@v1.0.0 to add an explicit constraint to Gopkg.toml.

      This is only necessary when we want to stick with a particular branch or version range, otherwise the lock will keep us on the same version and track what's used.

  2. Run dep ensure.
  3. Check in the changes to Gopkg.lock and vendor/.