
This is a webapp for manage the rental of a flat studio. (Symfony2, Bootstrap, jQuery)

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Flat rental


This webapp describes a holiday flat rental with pictures, descriptions and location on a Google map.

Features :

  • handles applicants information
  • handles weeks prices
  • handles rental schedules



Symfony2 book.

What's inside ?

  • FrameworkBundle - The core Symfony framework bundle
  • SensioFrameworkExtraBundle - Adds several enhancements, including template and routing annotation capability (documentation)
  • DoctrineBundle - Adds support for the Doctrine ORM (documentation)
  • TwigBundle - Adds support for the Twig templating engine (documentation)
  • SecurityBundle - Adds security by integrating Symfony's security component (documentation)
  • SwiftmailerBundle - Adds support for Swiftmailer, a library for sending emails (documentation)
  • MonologBundle - Adds support for Monolog, a logging library (documentation)
  • AsseticBundle - Adds support for Assetic, an asset processing library (documentation)
  • JMSSecurityExtraBundle - Allows security to be added via annotations (documentation)
  • WebProfilerBundle (in dev/test env) - Adds profiling functionality and the web debug toolbar
  • SensioDistributionBundle (in dev/test env) - Adds functionality for configuring and working with Symfony distributions
  • SensioGeneratorBundle (in dev/test env) - Adds code generation capabilities (documentation)


Bootstrap provides simple and flexible HTML, CSS, and Javascript for popular user interface components and interactions. In other words, it's a front-end toolkit for faster, more beautiful web development. It's created and maintained by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton at Twitter.

To get started, checkout http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap!


jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. jQuery is designed to change the way that you write JavaScript.
