Data Mining twitter: Insight into the #ows and #anonymous communities
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Using Twitters public API coupled with python, neo4j, and JavaScript the mining of specific hash tags can be achieved and subsequently eloquently displayed for interactive analysis. Using this methodology the hash tags #ows and #anonymous were mined for three months which resulted in ~ 200,000 tweets being collected for analysis. An application was developed to provide context analysis, drilling down, and rolling up functionality across the data set of tweets.
The application allows for the functionality of : analyzing multiple tags for comparison analyzing single tags individually Drilling down to date ranges and specific time ranges of day Viewing the major entities of the tweets in context including : Tags Links Tweets Users Visualization of trends including: Tags use through time Links use through time Tag usage comparison
Python Python was used to perform the “ETL (Extract Transform Load)” process from Twitters public API for the collection, preprocessing, manipulation, and loading of the tweets data. neo4j embedded Python module to integrate Neo4js Java service python twitter Python module which provides a simple API to twitters public API
Neo4j Neo4j is a graph data base. You may not have heard of a graph database but it functions in the sense that it is essentially a giant linked list with entities of the graph as nodes with distinct relationships connecting the nodes. These are ideal for modeling social networking relationships and Tweeting.
Shell Scripts and CRON jobs CRON jobs were used to automate the mining process in cooperation with some basic shell scripts to provide logging functionality.
JavaScript JavaScript was used to build and provide the application interface including visualizations. D3.js D3 was used to do the visualizations within the application which included: Tag visualization using node packing and relative sizing Line charts Pie charts PHP PHP was used as the applications data gateway and portal on the server. It provides the middle man between the JavaScript which requests and formats the data and the server that provides the data.
The application was developed solely on Linux (Debian based) but with the dependencies fulfilled it should function on any machine that satisfies the minimum hardware requirements.
Will run on 32bit and 64bit machines as long as dependencies are installed as appropriate.
Hardware Requirements
Ram 8GB - For full working data set that is included with project. 512Mb – For small sample dataset.
Processor Any
Python dependencies python twitter neo4j embedded urllib2
JavaScript dependencies d3.js library
Neo4j server dependencies headless server
It is necessary to tweak the configuration files of neo4j in order to gain enhanced performance from the database. This list of steps for full optimization can be found here: The most important tweak through is in the neo4j-wrapper.conf file which is located on Linux machines at /var/lib/neo4j/conf/ . Since Neo4j runs on top of Java it directly gets declared a working heap size in memory when it is started. Change the line that contains and allow for as much working memory as your machine can afford (this is in Mb).