
Massachusetts dropbox location finder for Ed Markey

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Massachusetts dropbox location finder for Ed Markey.

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Local Development

Requires the latest stable version of NodeJS (12>).

$ npm install
$ npm run dev

Updating dropbox locations

All dropbox locations are sourced from the locations.csv file in the bin folder. To import your own ballot dropbox list, make sure it has the following columns,

  • Address
  • City/town
  • Zip
  • Dropbox instructions

You'll likely need to update bin/build-ballot-list.js to have the proper column numbers for your csv.

Once your ready to import dropbox data, run the following,

$ node bin/build-ballot-list.js
$ npm run dev

# Confirm the new data looks correct

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "updated location data"
$ git push origin master

# Deploy your site

Customizing the design & copy

You'll likely need a few hours from a frontend developer to make the changes necessary, but here is a short list of where to start:

  • Update src/Homepage to have a different Hero image and copy
  • Update src/Nav to have a different logo
  • Update src/TownPage to have a different photo and copy
  • Update src/Footer to have different Q&A copy and disclaimer


To save time for the Ed Markey campaign, we lazily reused our existing Heroku account and just made a quick Express server to serve a static site. However, this site could easily be deployed with Netlify, Vercel, or any other static site provider.

To create a static build, just run the following,

$ npm run build