
A full-stack app built in MERN ,social network to connect developers

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Developer's Network

An application to connect Developers

Live Demo: https://connectdevelopers.herokuapp.com/

  • Users can:

    • Sign Up and Login to the app
    • Create their own profile and view profiles of other.To get the avatar (profile imamge), user need to have a Gravatar
    • Edit and Update their Profile
    • Create a Post , add comment on other's post , like and dislike other's post

    Technologies used

  • Reactjs

  • ReduxJS

  • Nodejs

  • MongoDB

  • PassportJS


> git clone https://github.com/jbidari15/DevelopersNetwork
> npm install (installs the dependencies for back-end)
>cd client
>npm install (installs the dependencies for front-end)
>cd ..(get out of client)
>Before running the project set up your mLab account for database and create file named Keys_dev.js with the following code 
>const db = {
  secret: "your secret keyword"
module.exports = db;
> npm run dev (this one starts the front-end and back-end server together as concurrently is used for development)

List of API used

User API

  • '/api/users/signup' - POST - SignUp user
  • '/api/users/login' - POST - Login user

Post API

  • '/api/posts' - GET- Get all posts
  • '/api/posts/:post_id' - GET - Get specific post
  • '/api/posts' - POST- Create new post
  • '/api/posts/like/:post_id' - POST- Like post
  • '/api/posts/unlike/:post_id' - POST-Unlike post
  • '/api/posts/comment/:post_id' - POST- Add comment to post
  • '/api/posts/:post_id' - DELETE - Delete specific post
  • '/api/posts/comment/:post_id/:comment_id' - DELETE- Delete comment

Profile API

  • '/api/profile' - GET - Get current user's profile
  • '/api/profile' - POST - Create/Edit profile
  • '/api/profile' - DELETE - Delete current user's profile and account
  • '/api/profile/all' - GET - Get all profile
  • '/api/profile/handle/:handle' - GET - Get profile by handle
  • '/api/profile/user/:user_id' - GET - Get profile by _id
  • '/api/profile/experience' - POST - Add experience to current profile
  • '/api/profile/education' - POST - Add education to current profile
  • '/api/profile/experience/:exp_id' - DELETE - Delete experience from current user's profile
  • '/api/profile/education/:edu_id' - DELETE - Delete education from current user's profile


  • Jaya Kumar Bidari - [jbidari15]


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details