
This project provides the command line interface to the STACKIT Secrets-Manager.

Primary LanguageGo

STACKIT Secrets-Manager CLI

This project provides the command line interface to the STACKIT Secrets-Manager.


The recommended way for installing the STACKIT Secrets-Manager CLI is to download prebuilt binaries.

Alternatively you can build it from source, if you have Go already installed:

$ go install github.com/stackitcloud/stackit-secrets-manager-cli/cmd/stackit-secrets-manager@latest


Create an access token for the STACKIT project you want to interact with. The token needs at least project.member permissions.
Now set the token with the configure subcommand:

$ stackit-secrets-manager configure
Authentication Token []: <your token>
Configuration successfully written

Alternatively, you can set these settings as environment variables in cases where you might have a read-only file system:

$ export PROJECT_ID=54349a42-2fbc-4fed-b307-16673e3eaa1f

To create a new instance run:

$ stackit-secrets-manager create instance --name 'test'

To get a list of all secrets manager instances run:

$ stackit-secrets-manager get instances

To create an ACL for your instance to restict login IP ranges:

$ stackit-secrets-manager create acl --cidr --instance-id 0069066b-b7d2-4e04-bda8-0f3f02efb920

To get a list of all ACLs run:

$ stackit-secrets-manager get acls --instance-id 0069066b-b7d2-4e04-bda8-0f3f02efb920

To create a user with write access for that instance:

$ stackit-secrets-manager create user --instance-id 0069066b-b7d2-4e04-bda8-0f3f02efb920 --enable-write

Note down the password which is printed there. This is the only place where you will ever see the password for the user.

To list all users for that instance:

$ stackit-secrets-manager get users --instance-id 0069066b-b7d2-4e04-bda8-0f3f02efb920

For more information about the available sub-commands and flags use the --help command line flag.

Use the API URL and Secrets Engine name of the instance and the username and password of the user to configure the Hashicorp Vault client to interact with the secrets engine on the command line.

$ export VAULT_ADDR=https://prod.sm.eu01.stackit.cloud
$ vault login -method=userpass username=h86c6it5228nn9d9 password="A{o'61eJzD]|hUH4"
$ vault kv put 0069066b-b7d2-4e04-bda8-0f3f02efb920/foo bar=baz
$ vault kv get 0069066b-b7d2-4e04-bda8-0f3f02efb920/foo

The web UI for the secrets engine can be opened in any web browser with the API url of the instance as target location (i.e. "https://prod.sm.eu01.stackit.cloud"). Choose the "Username" login method and enter the username and password as given by the CLI command to log in.

To delete a user for that instance:

$ stackit-secrets-manager delete user <userId> --instance-id 0069066b-b7d2-4e04-bda8-0f3f02efb920

To delete a instance run:

$ stackit-secrets-manager delete instance 0069066b-b7d2-4e04-bda8-0f3f02efb920


If you want to work with the source code of the Secrets-Manager CLI, you need to match these prerequisites:

  • Go v1.19 or newer
  • Have make and git available on your system


To build the binary, simply run:

$ make

This will download dependencies into the bin subdirectory, run some linting and build the stackit-secrets-manager executable in the project root.

Updating Dependencies

To update third party libraries:

$ go get -u
$ go mod tidy

To update the openapi spec for the Secrets-Manager API:

$ make update-openapi-spec

To update third party binaries, check the shell scripts in the scripts subdirectory and update the versions in there.

Building a release

To build a new release, set the version environment variable to the desired version you want to release. Also provide your GitHub token as environment variable as well. Make sure that all your changes are committed and call the release make target:

$ export VERSION=0.0.1
$ export GITHUB_TOKEN=<your github token>
$ make release

You can also test out a release locally first, without publishing it to GitHub. The release is put into the dist subdirectory:

$ make release-local