Automatic Monitoring And Auditing Populating System

Primary LanguagePerl


Purpose:        To take entries from the database used by OpenAudit and
                insert them into the database used by NagioSQL so that
                new hosts will be monitored automatically by Nagios.
                Once new hosts are in the database, trigger a file write
                so that config files for Nagios will be updated and the
                service is ready to be reloaded.
Implementation: Two MySQL databases are accessed: OpenAudit and 
                db_nagiosql_v3.  First, servers that are running Microsoft
                Windows Server operating systems are selected and added
                to the windowsservers hostgroup in Nagios.  Then, the following
                software is detected and added to a hostgroup for each:
                Exchange, SQL Server, Lotus Domino.
The initial platform of choice will be Alpine Linux, however the code should be portable to other *NIX OSes as well.