The latex template for my PhD thesis at ETH Zurich.
Distributed under the MIT License
Copyright (c) 2017 Jonathan Binas
The jb-thesis class provides some carefully designed typographic and stylistic features, such as hanging section numbers and illustrated part headers. See the compiled example.pdf for an overview.
The only part that's specific to ETH Zurich is the title page, so the class can easily be used with any other publication by redefining the maketitle command.
The class has been designed based on the Charter font family for the body text and math (use mathdesign package with the charter option enabled), and Source Sans Pro for headers and other sans-serif type, so
- Bitstream Charter (free) or ITC Charter (commercial),
- Adobe Source Sans Pro
should be present on the system. The class might work well with other fonts, but has only been tested with the ones mentioned above.
Even though the document will compile without, it is highly recommended that the
- microtype package
be installed for improved typesetting (will be loaded and used by the class automatically, if present).
The following additional packages are required to compile the example, but might not necessarily be required for your own document.
- amsmath, amsthm
- mathtools
- algorithm2e
- upgreek
- graphicx, xcolor
- tikzpagenodes
- cleveref
- blindtext
The class supports printing of the current git revision (see example.pdf). This can be very useful to relate drafts that are being distributed to a particular revision. For this to work, the
- gitinfo2 package
needs to be present, and the post-{commit,checkout,merge} hook from should be added to your .git/hooks/ directory. The feature is activated by setting the printrev option (print revision on all pages) or the printrevtitle option (print on title page only) when loading the class.