Install Docker and Docker Compose and create docker group

Create User

sudo adduser -m -s /bin/bash aspace
sudo usermod -aG docker aspace

Build the file system for archivesspace and create tenants

git clone
sudo ln -s <path-to-repo>/aspace-docker /opt/aspace-docker
sudo chown -R aspace:aspace /opt/aspace-docker

Start by editing .env and modify/set TENANT_LIST, NODES, and ASPACE_DATA_DIR for data persistence

Make any Archivesspace config changes that are needed and verify everything else vi ./aspace-custom/config.rb

NOTE: config.rb properties can also be set in the .env file using APPCONFIG_ prefix. These properties will be set as environment properties and Archivesspace picks them up during startup.
NOTE: The ./aspace-custom/config.rb file is a copy of SI Archivesspace production and all passwords have been replaced with <secret>

Then run ./ build which will download the Archivesspace release version build the tenants and configure everything that is needed.

WARNING: Before starting make sure the <ASPACE_DATA_DIR>/solr/data dir has 8983:8983 uid:gid set otherwise solr will fail to start correctly.

To start over fresh (WARNING: all data in the containers will be lost!!! Make sure you know what you are doing!)

# Stop any containers that may be still running
./ stop

### WARNING: the following cmd will also remove all docker networks, volumes, images, and containers that are not currently in use!!! ###
docker volume prune -f && docker container prune -f && docker image prune -f && docker network prune -f

# Delete ASPACE_DATA_DIR (WARNING: all existing data will be lost!!!)
sudo rm -rf <ASPACE_DATA_DIR>

# rebuild everything
./ build

Start/Stop Archivesspace Containers and Stack

./ start ./ stop

Copying existing data from database

mysqldump -h <host> -u <user> -p <password> --single-transaction --routines --triggers <database_name> | gzip > ~/<database_name>_db.$(date +%F.%H%M%S).sql.gz

from lassb-service01

mysqldump -u root -p '<secret>' --single-transaction --triggers --routines archivesspace271 | zstd --ultra -22 -T0 > /home/birkhimerj/mySQL-archivesspace271-backup.sql.zst

extract the mysqldump archive file

zstd -d mySQL-archivesspace271-backup.sql.zst

Load mysqldump data into db on startup

Before starting Archivesspace containers and stack move the mysqldump to ./mysql/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/

mv <path-to-mysqldump>/archivesspace271-backup.sql ./mysql/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/

when the database starts for the first time the mysqldump file will automatically be loaded into the database

Useful docker commands

docker ps                               # list running containers
docker logs -f <container-name>         # tail the containers output/log
docker exec -it <container-name> bash   # attach to a running container (like ssh)
docker exec -it <container-name> bash -c <cmd>   # attach to a running container and run cmd
docker top <container-name>             # see processes running in the container
docker stats                            # View mem, cpu, i/o, etc for running containers
docker network inspect aspace_net       # view the ip's of containers on the aspace_net network
docker --help                           # help!
