- 1
total height not adding up to 1.0
#40 opened by kkj15dk - 3
- 6
pandas 2.1.0 deprecation warning
#36 opened by michauhl - 4
hydrophobicity color_theme
#39 opened by TangYiChing - 2
- 4
corrections for small samples
#37 opened by psyi - 1
split logo plots
#30 opened by aspitaleri - 1
- 4
Custom Xlabels
#34 opened by pguillem - 6
Inquiries about the log axis
#33 opened by liyunjian - 2
- 1
Legend for color schemes
#31 opened by liliblu - 3
- 2
Start xticks at 1 instead of 0?
#28 opened by cossio - 1
Cannot change the y axis title
#27 opened by aravinda1879 - 1
- 3
- 4
- 3
- 2
Not working with large datasets
#19 opened by mohammedkhalfan - 2
Segmentation fault: 11
#17 opened by chemgeeklian - 1
KeyError: '1'
#15 opened by ZeeshanAbbas92 - 2
Logos plot to greyscale unpredictably
#14 opened by wthrif - 3
How to make it run for kmers ('AA', 'AT', etc) instead of single letters('A', 'T')?
#13 opened by PartheshSoni - 2
Development install
#12 opened by bsipos - 2
Allow_nan=True issue
#11 opened by ChenddatHKU - 8
Legend of 'NajafabadiEtAl2017'
#10 opened by pixuenan - 5
Attribute error
#9 opened by motisobat - 3
Precision of alignment_to_matrix
#8 opened by benweinberg89 - 1
- 2
Saving figures
#4 opened by Russel88 - 0
Remove double for loop at logomaker startup
#2 opened by atareen - 1
Gallery Items
#3 opened by atareen - 0
list index out of range in
#1 opened by atareen