
A Swift Reactive Programming Kit

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ReactiveKit is a collection of Swift frameworks for reactive and functional reactive programming.

Reactive Programming

Apps transform data. They take some data as input or generate data by themselves, transform that data into another data and output new data to the user. An app could take computer-friendly response from an API, transform it to a user-friendly text with a photo or video and render an article to the user. An app could take readings from the magnetometer, transform them into an orientation angle and render a nice needle to the user. There are many examples, but the pattern is obvious.

Basic premise of reactive programming is that the output should be derived from the input in such way that whenever the input changes, the output is changed too. Whenever new magnetometer readings are received, needle is updated. In addition to that, if the input is derived into the output using functional constructs like pure or higher-order functions one gets functional reactive programming.

ReactiveKit is a framework that provides mechanisms for leveraging functional reactive paradigm. It's based on ReactiveX API, but with flavours of its own. Instead of one Observable type, ReactiveKit offers two types, Operation and Stream, that are same on all fronts except that the former can error-out and the latter cannot. ReactiveKit also provides weak binding mechanism as well as reactive collection types.


Main type that ReactiveKit provides is Stream. It's used to represent a stream of events. Event can be anything from a button tap to a voice command.

Stream event is defined by StreamEvent type and looks like this:

public enum StreamEvent<T> {
  case Next(T)
  case Completed

Valid streams produce zero or more .Next events and always complete with .Completed event. Each .Next event contains an associated element - the actual value or object produced by the stream.

Creating Streams

There are many ways to create streams. Main one is by using the constructor that accepts a producer closure. The closure has one argument - an observer to which you send events. To send next element, use next method of the observer. When there are no more elements to be generated, send completion event using completed method. For example, to create a stream that produces first three positive integers do:

let counter = Stream<Int> { observer in

  // send first three positive integers

  // complete

  return NotDisposable

Producer closure expects you to return a disposable. More about disposables can be found here.

This is just an example of how to manually create streams. In reality, when you need to convert sequence to a stream, you will use following constructor.

let counter = Stream.sequence([1, 2, 3])

To create a stream that produces an integer every second, do

let counter = Stream<Int>.interval(1, queue: Queue.main)

Note that this constructor requires a queue on which the events will be produced.

For more constructors, refer to the code reference.

Observing Streams

Stream is only useful if it's being observed. To observe stream, use observe method:

counter.observe { event in

That will print following:


Most of the time we are interested only in the elements that the stream produces. Elements are associated with .Next events and to observe just them you do:

counter.observeNext { element in

That will print:


Observing the stream actually starts the production of events. In other words, that producer closure we passed in the constructor is called only when you register an observer. If you register more that one observer, producer closure will be called once for each of them.

Observers will be by default invoked on the thread (queue) on which the producer generates events. You can change that behaviour by passing another execution context using the observeOn method.

Transforming Streams

Streams can be transformed into another streams. Methods that transform streams are often called operators. For example, to convert our stream of positive integers into a stream of positive even integers we can do

let evenCounter = counter.map { $0 * 2 }

or to convert it to a stream of integers divisible by three

let divisibleByThree = counter.filter { $0 % 3 == 0 }

or to convert each element to another stream that just triples that element and merge those new streams by concatenating them one after another

let tripled = counter.flatMap(.Concat) { number in
  return Stream.sequence(Array(count: 3, repeatedValue: number))

and so on... There are many operators available. For more info on them, check out code reference.

Sharing Results

Whenever the observer is registered, the stream producer is executed all over again. To share results of a single execution, use shareReplay method.

let sharedCounter = counter.shareReplay()


Observing the stream returns a disposable object. When the disposable object gets disposed, it will notify the producer to stop producing events and also disable further event dispatches.

If you do

let disposable = aStream.observeNext(...)

and later need to cancel the stream, just call dispose.


From that point on the stream will not send any more events and the underlying task will be cancelled.

A general rule is to dispose all observations you make. It's recommended to keep a dispose bag where you should all of your disposables. The bag will automatically dispose all disposables you put in when it is deallocated.

class X {
  let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
  func y() {
    aStream.observeNext { _ in

If your class is a subclass or a descendent of NSObject, ReactiveKit provides the bag as an extension property rBag that you can use out of the box.

class MyViewController: UIViewController {
  func viewDidLoad() {
    aStream.observeNext { _ in


Streams cannot fail and that makes them safe to represent the data that UI displays. To facilitate that use, streams are made to be bindable. They can be bound to any type conforming to BindableType protocol.

ReactiveUIKit framework extends various UIKit objects with bindable properties. For example, given

let name: Stream<String> = ...

you can do


Actually, because it's only natural to bind text to a label, you can do:


Bindable properties provided by ReactiveUIKit will update the target object on the main thread (queue) by default. That means that the stream can generate events on a background thread without you worrying how the UI will be updated - it will always happen on the main thread.

Bindings will automatically dispose themselves (i.e. cancel source streams) when the binding target gets deallocated. For example, if we do


then the image processing will be automatically cancelled if the image view gets deallocated. Isn't that cool!

Hot Streams

If you need hot streams, i.e. streams that can generate events regardless of the observers, you can use PushStream type:

let numbers = PushStream<Int>()

numbers.observerNext { num in

numbers.next(1) // prints: 1
numbers.next(2) // prints: 2


Another important type provided by ReactiveKit is Operation. It's just like the Stream, but the one that can error-out. Operations are used to represents tasks that can fail like fetching a network resource, reading a file and similar. Operations error-out by sending failure event. Here is how OperationEvent type is defined:

public enum OperationEvent<T, E: ErrorType> {
  case Next(T)
  case Failure(E)
  case Completed

Valid operations produce zero or more .Next events and always terminate with either a .Completed event or a .Failure event.

Operations can be created, transformed and observed like streams. Additionally, Operation provides few additional methods to handle errors.

One way to try to recover from an error is to just retry the operation again. To do so, just do

let betterFetch = fetchImage(url: ...).retry(3)

and smile thinking about how many number of lines would that take in the imperative paradigm.

Errors that cannot be handled with retry will happen eventually. To recover from those, you can use flatMapError. It's an operator that maps an error into another operation.

  .flatMapError { error in
    return Operation.just(User.Anonymous)
  .observeNext { user in
    print("Authenticated as \(user.fullname).")

Converting Operations to Streams

Operations are not bindable so at one point you'll want to convert them to streams. Worst way to do so is to just ignore and log any error that happens:

let image = fetchImage(url: ...).toStream(logError: true)

Better way is to provide a default value in case of an error:

let image = fetchImage(url: ...).toStream(recoverWith: Assets.placeholderImage)

Most powerful way is to flatMapError into another stream:

let image = fetchImage(url: ...).flatMapError { error in
  return Stream<UIImage> ...

There is no best way. Errors suck.


Property wraps mutable state into an object that enables observation of that state. Whenever the state changes, an observer can be notified.

To create the property, just initialize it with the initial value.

let name = Property("Jim")

nil is valid value for properties that wrap optional type.

Properties are streams just like streams of Stream type. They can be transformed into another streams, observed and bound in the same manner as streams can be.

For example, you can register an observer with observe or observeNext methods.

name.observeNext { value in
  print("Hi \(value)!")

When you register an observer, it will be immediately invoked with the current value of the property so that snippet will print "Hi Jim!".

To change value of the property afterwards, just set the value property.

name.value = "Jim Kirk" // Prints: Hi Jim Kirk!

Collection Property

When working with collections knowing that the collection changed is usually not enough. Often we need to know how exactly did the collection change - what elements were updated, what inserted and what deleted. CollectionProperty enables exactly that. It wraps a collection in order to provide mechanisms for observation of fine-grained changes done to the collection itself. Events generated by collection property contain both the new state of the collection (the collection itself) plus the information about what elements were inserted, updated or deleted.

To provide collection property, just initialize it with the initial value. The type of the value you provide determines the type of the collection property. You can provide an array, a dictionary or a set.

let uniqueNumbers = CollectionProperty(Set([0, 1, 2]))
let options = CollectionProperty(["enabled": "yes"])
let names = CollectionProperty(["Steve", "Tim"])

When observing collection property, events you receive will be structs that contain detailed description of changes that happened.

names.observeNext { e in
  print("array: \(e.collection), inserts: \(e.inserts), updates: \(e.updates), deletes: \(e.deletes)")

You work with the collection property like you'd work with the collection it encapsulates.

names.append("John") // prints: array ["Steve", "Tim", "John"], inserts: [2], updates: [], deletes: []
names.removeLast()   // prints: array ["Steve", "Tim"], inserts: [], updates: [], deletes: [2]
names[1] = "Mark"    // prints: array ["Steve", "Mark"], inserts: [], updates: [1], deletes: []

Collection properties can be mapped, filtered and sorted. Let's say we have following collection property:

let numbers = CollectionProperty([2, 3, 1])

When we then do this:

let doubleNumbers = numbers.map { $0 * 2 }
let evenNumbers = numbers.filter { $0 % 2 == 0 }
let sortedNumbers = numbers.sort(<)

Modifying numbers will automatically update all derived arrays:


Assert(doubleNumbers.collection == [4, 6, 2, 8])
Assert(evenNumbers.collection == [2, 4])
Assert(sortedNumbers.collection == [1, 2, 3, 4])

That enables us to build powerful UI bindings. With ReactiveUIKit, collection property containing an array can be bound to UITableView or UICollectionView. Just provide a closure that creates cells to the bindTo method.

let posts: CollectionProperty <[Post]> = ...

posts.bindTo(tableView) { indexPath, posts, tableView in
  let cell = tableView.dequeueCellWithIdentifier("PostCell", forIndexPath: indexPath) as! PostCell
  cell.post = posts[indexPath.row]
  return cell

Subsequent changes done to the posts array will then be automatically reflected in the table view.

To bind observable dictionary or set to table or collection view, first you have to convert it to the observable array. Because sorting any collection outputs an array, just do that.

let sortedOptions = options.sort {
  $0.0.localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare($1.0) == NSComparisonResult.OrderedAscending

The resulting sortedOptions is of type ObservableCollection<[(String, String)]> - an observable array of key-value pairs sorted alphabetically by the key that can be bound to a table or collection view.

Same threading rules apply for observable collection bindings as for observable bindings. You can safely modify the collection from a background thread and be confident that the UI updates occur on the main thread.

Array diff

When you need to replace an array with another array, but need an event to contains fine-grained changes (for example to update table/collection view with nice animations), you can use method replace:performDiff:. For example, if you have

let numbers: CollectionProperty([1, 2, 3])

and you do

numbers.replace([0, 1, 3, 4], performDiff: true)

then the observed event will contain:

Assert(event.collection == [0, 1, 3, 4])
Assert(event.inserts == [0, 3])
Assert(event.deletes == [1])

If that array was bound to a table or a collection view, the view would automatically animate only the changes from the merge. Helpful, isn't it.


ReactiveKit uses simple concept of execution contexts inspired by BrightFutures to handle threading.

When you want to receive events on a specific dispatch queue, just use context extension of dispatch queue wrapper type Queue, for example: Queue.main.context, and pass it to the observeOn stream operator.

Reactive Delegates

ReactiveKit provides NSObject extensions that makes it easy to convert delegate pattern into streams.

First make an extension on your type, UITableView in this example, that provides a reactive delegate proxy:

extension UITableView {
  public var rDelegate: ProtocolProxy {
    return protocolProxyFor(UITableViewDelegate.self, setter: NSSelectorFromString("setDelegate:"))

You can then convert methods of that protocol into streams:

extension UITableView {
  var selectedRow: Stream<Int> {
    return rDelegate.stream(#selector(UITableViewDelegate.tableView(_:didSelectRowAtIndexPath:))) { (s: PushStream<Int>, _: UITableView, indexPath: NSIndexPath) in

Method stream takes two parameters: a selector of a method to convert to a stream and a closure that is invoked on each method call. You should use that closure to push events into the given PushStream. Method returns that PushStream mapped to a Stream.

Now you can do:

tableView.selectedRow.observeNext { row in
  print("Tapped row at index \(row).")

Protocol proxy takes up delegate slot of the object so if you also need to implement delegate methods manually, don't set tableView.delegate = x, rather set tableView.rDelegate.forwardTo = x.

Note that it is you who must ensure that the parameters in the dispatch closure are correctly typed. For example, if there is no specific type you can use Void stream.

let _ = rDelegate.stream(#selector(UITextViewDelegate.textViewDidBeginEditing(_:))) { (s: PushStream<Void>, _: UITextView) in

If a protocol method has return value then you must handle it by returning it in the dispatch closure.

let _ = rDelegate.stream(#selector(UITextViewDelegate.textView(_:shouldChangeTextInRange:replacementText:))) { (s: PushStream<String>, _: UITextView, range: NSRange, text: NSString) -> Bool in
  s.next(text as String)
  return true

Note that you must use ObjC types as this is ObjC API in the place of proxied method argument parameters. For example, use NSString instead of String.


  • iOS 8.0+ / OS X 10.9+ / tvOS 9.0+ / watchOS 2.0+
  • Xcode 7.3+


  • If you'd like to ask a general question, use Stack Overflow.
  • If you'd like to ask a quick question or chat about the project, try Gitter.
  • If you found a bug, open an issue.
  • If you have a feature request, open an issue.
  • If you want to contribute, submit a pull request (include unit tests).
  • You can track project plan and progress on Waffle.

Additional Documentation



pod 'ReactiveKit', '~> 2.1'
pod 'ReactiveUIKit', '~> 2.0'


github "ReactiveKit/ReactiveKit" ~> 2.1
github "ReactiveKit/ReactiveUIKit" ~> 2.0


Migration from v1.x to v2.0

  • Observable is renamed to Property
  • ObservableCollection is renamed to CollectionProperty
  • Stream can now completable (with .Completed event)
  • observe method of Stream is renamed to observeNext
  • shareNext is renamed to shareReplay.
  • Stream and Operation now have consistent API-s
  • Operationis no longer bindable. Convert it to Stream first.
  • Execution context can now be set only using executeOn and observeOn methods.
  • A number of new operators is introduced based on ReactiveX API.
  • Project is restructured and should be available as a Swift package.
  • Documentation is updated to put Stream type in focus.
  • ReactiveFoundation is now part of ReactiveKit.


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Srdan Rasic (@srdanrasic)

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.