
Rich Solar/MPP Green LV2424

vknmakes opened this issue · 5 comments

I have something that is probably simple...
I've got an MPP LV2424 which is actually branded as a Rich Solar. The SolarPower java crapplette will talk to it via either the built in USB or via the serial. I cannot get mpp-solar to talk to it with either serial or the USB. When I send a --getstatus or a -c QPI, -c QID I get a 0 for the output.

What am I missing? This is great work BTW!

Start by adding debug to the command and posting the response

also try with a -P PI18 added to the command

Thank you very much. Did I misread that the default for the mpp's was PI30? Foolish of me not to have run through the other protocols..

Aha! -PI18 was it:
mpp-solar -p /dev/hidraw0 -P PI18 --getstatus

Command: ET - Total Generated Energy query
Parameter                     	Value           Unit
working_mode                  	Battery mode   	    
grid_voltage                  	0.0            	V   
grid_frequency                	0.0            	Hz  
ac_output_voltage             	120.0          	V   
ac_output_frequency           	59.9           	Hz  
ac_output_apparent_power      	24             	VA  
ac_output_active_power        	10             	W   
output_load_percent           	0              	%   
battery_voltage               	26.0           	V   
battery_voltage_from_scc      	26.0           	V   
battery_voltage_from_scc2     	0.0            	V   
battery_discharge_current     	0              	A   
battery_charging_current      	0              	A   
battery_capacity              	98             	%   
inverter_heat_sink_temperature	25             	°C  
mppt1_charger_temperature     	32             	°C  
mppt2_charger_temperature     	0              	°C  
pv1_input_power               	21             	W   
pv2_input_power               	0              	W   
pv1_input_voltage             	32.0           	V   
pv2_input_voltage             	0.0            	V   
setting_value_configuration_state	Nothing changed	    
mppt1_charger_status          	charging       	    
mppt2_charger_status          	abnormal       	    
load_connection               	connect        	    
battery_power_direction       	discharge      	    
dc/ac_power_direction         	DC-AC          	    
line_power_direction          	donothing      	    
local_parallel_id             	0              	    
total_generated_energy        	24628          	Wh  

But for completeness, here is the debug on QID with default protocol of PI30, which, clearly isn't it..
mpp-solar -p /dev/hidraw0 -c QID -D

2023-07-05 05:40:22,925:INFO:__init__:main@236: Solar Device Command Utility, version: 0.7.76, remove brackets in ved protocol
2023-07-05 05:40:22,926:INFO:__init__:main@339: Creating device "unnamed" (type: "mppsolar") on port "/dev/hidraw0 (porttype=None)" using protocol "PI30"
2023-07-05 05:40:22,928:DEBUG:__init__:main@343: device_class <class 'mppsolar.devices.mppsolar.mppsolar'>
2023-07-05 05:40:22,928:DEBUG:device:__init__@31: __init__ args ()
2023-07-05 05:40:22,928:DEBUG:device:__init__@32: __init__ kwargs {'name': 'unnamed', 'port': '/dev/hidraw0', 'protocol': 'PI30', 'baud': 2400, 'porttype': None, 'mqtt_broker': 'localhost', 'mqtt_port': 1883, 'mqtt_user': None, 'mqtt_pass': None}
2023-07-05 05:40:22,928:DEBUG:device:get_port_type@59: port matches hidraw
2023-07-05 05:40:22,928:INFO:device:set_port@142: Using hidrawio for communications
2023-07-05 05:40:22,930:DEBUG:device:set_protocol@96: Protocol PI30
2023-07-05 05:40:22,948:DEBUG:device:__init__@36: __init__ name unnamed, port <mppsolar.io.hidrawio.HIDRawIO object at 0x7f88a10040>, protocol <mppsolar.protocols.pi30.pi30 object at 0x7f88a10070>
2023-07-05 05:40:22,948:DEBUG:__init__:main@390: Commands [(<mppsolar.devices.mppsolar.mppsolar object at 0x7f88a05f70>, 'QID', 'QID', 'screen', None, None)]
2023-07-05 05:40:22,948:INFO:__init__:main@395: Looping 1 commands
2023-07-05 05:40:22,948:INFO:__init__:main@405: Getting results from device: mppsolar device - name: unnamed, port: <mppsolar.io.hidrawio.HIDRawIO object at 0x7f88a10040>, protocol: <mppsolar.protocols.pi30.pi30 object at 0x7f88a10070> for command: QID, tag: QID, outputs: screen
2023-07-05 05:40:22,948:INFO:device:run_command@270: Running command QID
2023-07-05 05:40:22,949:INFO:abstractprotocol:get_full_command@31: Using protocol b'PI30' with 36 commands
2023-07-05 05:40:22,949:DEBUG:protocol_helpers:crcPI@299: Calculating CRC for b'QID'
2023-07-05 05:40:22,949:DEBUG:protocol_helpers:crcPI@349: Generated CRC 0xd6 0xea 0xd6ea
2023-07-05 05:40:22,949:DEBUG:abstractprotocol:get_full_command@38: full command: b'QID\xd6\xea\r'
2023-07-05 05:40:22,949:INFO:device:run_command@296: full command b'QID\xd6\xea\r' for command QID
2023-07-05 05:40:22,949:DEBUG:abstractprotocol:get_command_defn@42: Processing command 'QID'
2023-07-05 05:40:22,949:DEBUG:abstractprotocol:get_command_defn@44: Found command QID in protocol b'PI30'
2023-07-05 05:40:23,008:DEBUG:hidrawio:send_and_receive@29: length of to_send: 6
2023-07-05 05:40:23,008:DEBUG:hidrawio:send_and_receive@36: 1 chunk send
2023-07-05 05:40:23,760:DEBUG:hidrawio:send_and_receive@69: usb response was: b'^0\x1b\xe3\r'
Command: QID - Device Serial Number inquiry
Parameter                     	Value           Unit
serial_number                 	0              	    
2023-07-05 05:40:23,764:DEBUG:__init__:main@435: Not daemon, so not looping

You are also using the old version, current version is 0.15.62
Note mppsolar vs mpp-solar

Aha, thank you. Running the latest from git at the moment on an rpi.

`mpp-solar -p /dev/hidraw0 -P PI18 -c GS
Command: GS - General status query

Parameter Value Unit
grid_voltage 0.0 V
grid_frequency 0.0 Hz
ac_output_voltage 120.1 V
ac_output_frequency 59.9 Hz
ac_output_apparent_power 108 VA
ac_output_active_power 91 W
output_load_percent 3 %
battery_voltage 26.0 V
battery_voltage_from_scc 26.0 V
battery_voltage_from_scc2 0.0 V
battery_discharge_current 3 A
battery_charging_current 0 A
battery_capacity 98 %
inverter_heat_sink_temperature 22 °C
mppt1_charger_temperature 29 °C
mppt2_charger_temperature 0 °C
pv1_input_power 16 W
pv2_input_power 0 W
pv1_input_voltage 30.5 V
pv2_input_voltage 0.0 V
setting_value_configuration_state Nothing changed
mppt1_charger_status charging
mppt2_charger_status abnormal
load_connection connect
battery_power_direction discharge
dc/ac_power_direction DC-AC
line_power_direction donothing
local_parallel_id 0

mpp-solar -v
Solar Device Command Utility, version: 0.16.01