
Wraps requests such that ClojureScript is conditionally (re)compiled before being served.

Primary LanguageClojure



Wraps requests such that ClojureScript is conditionally (re)compiled before being served.


If you have ClojureScript source code in cljs/src/ and your HTML is including cljs/bootstrap.js

(use 'ring.middleware.clojurescript)
(defn app [req] ...)
(def cljsc-app (wrap-clojurescript app "cljs"))

Optionally, you can use the options dictionary to override those path defaults, as well as provide extra arguements to the ClojureScript compiler:

(wrap-clojurescript app "cljs" {:output-to "resources/js/myapp.js"
                                :optimizations :advanced})

Command line

You may also use the command line version, which accepts the same style of arguements:

 lein -m ring.middleware.clojurescript 'cljs' '{:optimizations :advanced}'


Copyright (C) 2011 Jim Blomo

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.