
Primary LanguagePython

311 app

We want to build something better than the default Socrata 311 site: http://311explorer.nola.gov/main/category/

Keep useful features and enhance the user experience:

As a user, I want to lookup info about my request (by entering a reference # received from 311). I want to visualize ticket types with bar charts (counts) and pie graphs (percentage). I want to visualize the data on a map around me and filter by ticket type, open/closed, date range. I want to browse curated datasets before exploring the data myself (maybe showing less data that's more recent data will be useful; maybe by sharing my location, I can see more relevant data on a map zoomed to my address).

As a developer, I want to store the 311 data in a database so we can query it more efficiently.


We recommend using Homebrew to install components on the Mac.

  • Postgres database.
  • Postgis.

If you do not already have these components installed, ask someone on the project to help you get it installed on your machine.

get the data

# get bulk call data data.nola.gov
wget -O 311-calls.csv 'https://data.nola.gov/api/views/3iz8-nghx/rows.csv?accessType=DOWNLOAD'

create the db

brew install postgres ## if not already installed
brew install postgis ## if not already installed
createuser three11
createdb three11 -O three11
psql -d three11 -c "create extension postgis;"

load data into db

# ogr2ogr is a useful tool for working with geospatial data
brew install gdal --with-postgres ## if not already installed
ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"host='localhost' dbname='three11' user='three11'" 311-calls.csv -nln calls

# add location column
psql -U three11 -c "ALTER TABLE calls ADD COLUMN the_geom geometry(POINT, 4326);"
psql -U three11 -c "UPDATE calls SET the_geom = ST_PointFromText(geom, 4326) WHERE geom != '';"

useful data to know about

Show on map: Request per district (legend gets darker for more requests) Frequency: analyze the frequency of 311 incidents