when you are just too awesome for subcategories
- bootstrap
- font-awesome
- reactjs
- reduxjs
- jquery
- less
- sass
- webpack
- d3js
- mnemonist - data structures
- Build a modern JS stack from scratch
- Apache vs. Nginx, etc
- Scaling Ruby Apps to 1000 Requests per Minute
- Apache vs. Nginx: Practical Considerations
- HTTP/1.1 RFC
- CGI 1.1 RFC
- HTML 5.1 Spec
- WebSocket Protocol RFC
- TCP Spec
- IP Spec
- ICMP Spec
- Getting Started with WebRTC
- Salted Password Hashing - Doing It Right
- Understanding SSH
- 7 Security Measures to Protect Your Servers
- Hack This Site
- UUID Specification (RFC4122)
- Erlang Security 101
- Learning the Shell
- BASH Programming Introduction
- 60 Commands of Linux: A Newbie's Guide
- Linux System Administation Basics
- Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
- Introduction to Linux
- Using psuedo-terminals to control interactive programs
- configure; make; make install
- Dheeraj Sanghi's CS425 Lecture Notes
- Julia Evans' Networking Zine
- How Does the Internet Work?
- Beej's Guide to Socket Programming
- Mastering HTTP Caching
- Building a Scalable App on AWS
- Architecture of Open Source Applciations
- 7 Lessons Learned While Building Reddit to 270 Million Page Views a Month
- SOA in Ruby
- Video Coding Format Wikipedia page
- Cinepak Wikipedia page
- Cinepak MultimediaWiki page
- MPEG-1 Wikipedia page
- MPEG-2 Wikipedia page
- H.261 Wikipedia page
- H.262/MPEG-2 Part 2 Wikipedia page
- H.263 Wikipedia page
- MPEG-4 Wikipedia page
- MPEG-4 Part 2 Wikipedia page
- H.264/MPEG-4 AVC Wikipedia page
- MPEG-H Wikipedia page
- H.265/MPEG-H Part 2 Wikipedia page
- Image and Video Compression: A Survey
- A Survey of Data Compression Algorithms and their Applications
- Comparison of Video Codecs