
The App.net terms of service documents live here. To facilitate transparent discussion, we encourage users to create issues and/or submit pull requests with your feedback. Our general process is to incorporate user feedback on a roughly quarterly basis based on review with our legal team, but in the early stages this may occur significantly more often.


App.net Terms of Service

The App.net terms of service documents live here. To facilitate transparent discussion, we encourage users to create issues and/or submit pull requests with your feedback. Our general process is to incorporate user feedback on a roughly quarterly basis based on review with our legal team, but in the early stages this may occur significantly more often.

Document locations

The canonical locations for the effective versions of these documents at any given time are:

While we will make reasonable attempts to maintain a "effective-versions" branch here in GitHub, as well as tags to show which specific version(s) have been made effective, in all cases the only effective documents will be located at the above URLs, not in git.


The App.net terms of use and privacy policy are available to you under the CC BY-SA 3.0 Creative Commons license. Please note, however, that since these documents are tailored for specifically for our service, they are likely not suitable, as-is, for use by applications which consume the App.net API. Also, you acknowledge and agree that we neither make any representations or warranties with respect to the documents nor assume any liability with respect to the use of the documents.


If you have feedback which you would like to make available privately, please email support@app.net.