
Experimental Hashicorp IaaC

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Presentation Kiosk Template - SVG Edition

Template Reveal.js for my presentations or kiosks. Repo formerly called "hashibo". Based on fairly old version of Reveal.JS-Three.JS (could use updating but delicate). This version uses client-side JS to detect what slide structure you've dropped into the directory ./sections/. So all you need to do is add numbered directories and numbered SVG drawings to each directory. No need to write or change any code here. Use these samples for templates if needed in the application of your choice. I use Inkscape.

$  tree sections
├── 1
│   ├── 1.svg
│   ├── 2.svg
│   └── 3.svg
└── 2
    ├── 1.svg
    └── 2.svg

To replace the background 3D model with a DAE of your own (Blender), replace the model file reveal/models/hashicorp/hashicorp.dae.



John Boero boeroboy@gmail.com