
Monitore your websites availability, http status code (current and history), certificate, redirects and more with Grafana and Prometheus blackbox exporter.

Primary LanguageShell



Monitore your websites availability, http status code (current and history), certificate, redirects and more with



  • git clone git@github.com:mbelloiseau/website-monitoring.git && cd website-monitoring
  • Edit config/prometheus/targets.yml (see targets.yml.example) or use ./gen_target.sh website-1.tld website-2.tld ...
  • Create and start containers docker-compose up -d
  • Visualize dashboards

If you already have Prometheus and Prometheus blackbox exporter up and running just import the dashboards (website-monitoring or overview) and use the right datasource and jobs (http_job and icmp_job)


Website monitoring

  • HTTP status code
  • HTTP redirects
  • HTTP version
  • TLS version
  • Certificate validity
  • ICMP
  • DNS lookup time
  • Availability over the last 24 hours, 3 days and 7 days
  • Probe duration and status code history

web-2 web-3


  • Total number of targets
  • Percentage of HTTP 200 status code
  • Percentage of targets using SSL
  • Global invalid status code history


Tips and tricks


Some useful PromQL queries

  • Number of days till certificate expiration
    • (probe_ssl_earliest_cert_expiry{instance=~"$target",job="$http_job"} - time()) / (60*60*24)
  • Display bad HTTP status code
    • probe_http_status_code{job="$http_job",instance=~"$target"} != 200
  • Count the number of each status code
    • count_values("code", probe_http_status_code)
  • Percentage of HTTP 200
    • ((count(count by (instance) (probe_http_status_code == 200))) / (count(count by (instance) (probe_http_status_code)))) * 100


  • Request blackbox exporter
    • curl -s "localhost:9115/probe?module=http_2xx&target=target.tld"