
A number of plugins for making it easier to work with Gradle and Adobe CQ/AEM

Primary LanguageGroovyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This contains a number of plugins for making it easier to work with Gradle and Adobe CQ/AEM.


buildscript {
    repositories {
        mavenRepo url: "http://dl.bintray.com/twcable/aem"

    dependencies {
        classpath "com.twcable.gradle:cq-gradle-plugins:2.0.0"


CQ Package Plugin


apply plugin: 'cqpackage'

The standard Gradle 'base' plugin is automatically applied.


  • createPackage - Creates the CQ Package zip file. (Depends on the jar tasks of the projects that are a part of the cq_package configuration.)
  • install - Issues the command to CQ to install the uploaded package.
  • uninstall - Uninstalls the CQ Package. If the package is not on the server, nothing happens. (i.e., This does not fail if the package is not on the server.)
  • reinstall - Reinstalls (removes then uploads and installs a fresh copy) the CQ Package. (Depends on clean, uninstall, remove, install, verifyBundles)
  • installPackage - Installs the CQ Package
  • validateBundles - Checks all the JARs that are included in the package to make sure they are installed and in an ACTIVE state and gives a report of any that are not. This task polls in the case the bundles are newly installed.
  • installRemote - Issues the command to CQ to install the uploaded package to a remote server defined by -Denvironment, -DenvJson, and -Dpackage.
  • validateRemoteBundles - Validates remote bundles in the CQ Package are started correctly
  • upload - Upload the package to all the servers defined by the slingServers configuration.
  • uploadRemote - Upload the package to all the servers defined by -Denvironment, -DenvJson, and -Dpackage.
  • remove - Removes the package from CQ. Does not fail if the package was not on the server to begin with.
  • uninstallBundles - Downloads the currently installed package .zip file if it exists, compiles list of bundles based off what is currently installed, then stops and uninstalls each bundles individually. A final refreshAllBundles is performed.
  • installRemoteTask - Installs a specified CQ Package to a remote environment
  • verifyBundles - Checks all the JARs that are included in the package to make sure they are OSGi compliant, and gives a report of any that are not. Never causes the build to fail.
  • addBundlesToFilterXml - Adds the bundles to the filter.xml
  • checkBundleStatus - Check Bundle Status
  • startInactiveBundles - Asynchronously attempts to start any bundle in RESOLVED state.

Added by the 'base' plugin:

  • assemble - Calls createPackage.
  • clean - Removes the build directory.


Convention: slingServers

By default, the plugin is initialized with the following effective configuration:

slingServers.with {
  retryWaitMs = 1000
  maxWaitValidateBundlesMs = 10000
  clusterAuths = false
  clusterPubs = false
  uninstallBundlesPredicate = { false }
  author.with {
    protocol = 'http'
    port = 4502
    machineName = 'localhost'
    username = 'admin'
    password = 'admin'
    installPath = '/apps/install'
    active = true
  publisher.with {
    protocol = 'http'
    port = 4503
    machineName = 'localhost'
    username = 'admin'
    password = 'admin'
    installPath = '/apps/install'
    active = true

To change the password for the author instance, for example, in the build.gradle file do

slingServers.author.password = 'other_password'

The active property determines if it will try to interact with that server. If it has a problem connecting to the server, it is automatically set to be false so it does not keep trying to attach to a server that is not running.

If envJson and environment properties are defined, the list of servers for this environment are extracted from the JSON file. See EnvironmentJsonFileReader

Dependency Configuration: cq_package

Example usage:

dependencies {
    cq_package project(':project-name')
    cq_package "net.tanesha:recaptcha4j:1.0.0"

configurations.cq_package {
    exclude group: 'javax.servlet', module: 'servlet-api'

SCR Plugin


apply plugin: 'scr'

Applying the plugin implicitly applies the osgi plugin and adds a dependency from the jar task upon processScrAnnotations.


  • processScrAnnotations - Processes the x-doclet style and @SCR annotations to create the appropriate OSGi metadata for OSGi Declarative Services.

Sling Bundle Plugin


apply plugin: 'sling-bundle'


  • uploadBundle - Uploads the bundle to the CQ server. The task will fail if the bundle fails to start.
  • deleteBundle - Removes the current bundle from CQ. This task will not fail if the bundle does not exist.
  • refreshAllBundles - Tells CQ to refresh all the bundles. This gets added to the top-level project and generally a good idea to run after any of the other tasks.
  • showBundle - Shows a JSON representation of the information CQ has about the bundle, including its status, what bundles it is using, and what bundles are using it to STDOUT.


Convention: slingServers

Creates the slingServers convention object. See the "CQ Package Plugin" for details.

Convention: bundle

By default, the plugin is initialized with the following effective configuration:

bundle.with {
  name = project.name
  symbolicName = // computed from project.group and project.name
  installPath = project.slingServers.author.installPath
  sourceFile = project.jar.archivePath
  slingServers = project.slingServers

bundle also has a felixId property that the plugin tries to determine dynamically from the server based on the bundle's symbolic name.


Copyright 2015 Time Warner Cable, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.