
GlueFM Rails API backend.

Primary LanguageRuby


Chat app built for sharing music efficiently.


  • Channels
  • Threads
  • Automatic translation of links for the user's music platform of choice (Spotify, YouTube & SoundCloud supported).
  • Export of automatic playlists:
    • all tracks in channel
    • unheard tracks

Tech Stack

  • RailsAPI
  • RethinkDB
  • Websocksets via ActionCable & Redis
  • React for the web client


# stand up service containers
docker-compose up

# setup DB - http://nobrainer.io/docs/db_management/
rake nobrainer:sync_schema
rake nobrainer:seed

# run the server
bin/rails s

Playing with Web Sockets

npm install -g wscat
wscat -c "ws://localhost:3000/cable"

Initial Implementation Plan:

  1. Logout on User Icon
  2. Initial template for a single channel.
  3. Interface to write messages.
  4. Track table, Link table + module to translate links between music providers.
  5. Table for Listens (user-track listen state) + recording listens.
  6. Export of playlists to music provider of choice.
  7. Scripts for AWS deployment.
  8. Multichannel
  9. Design fixes.

Useful resources

Thank you to the authors!