
Work from doing the Haskell tutorial at http://learnyouahaskell.com/.

Primary LanguageHaskell

learnYouAHaskell - work from learning Haskell

Thank you Miran Lipovača!

You do computations in Haskell by declaring what something is, instead of declaring how to get to it.


The repl

  • Start with ghci.
  • Load and compile a source code file into the process' address space - :l <file_path>.
  • Reload currently linked files - :r.
  • Display the type of a piece of data - :t <data>. <data> can also be a function name.

General Notes

Two function types:

  • prefix which is like a traditional function name followed by arguments (fx_name A B C). The function is prefix to the data.
  • infix which is like an operator such as A + B. The function is inbetween the data. With backticks, we can usa a binomial function as an infix or even define infix functions(div A BA `div` B).
  • Functions/operators of only special characters (+, *, /= ...) are considered infix by default. To write them as prefix we must surround them in parentheses, (+) 1 2 gives 3.
  • polymorphic when a function uses a type variable and therefore has a loose declaration.

Some translations from C:

  • !=/=
  • Functions/names are immutable. So a function without arguments is a #define.
  • array → list - use when you have an arbitrary amount of a type of data.
  • struct → tuple - use when you have structured data representing a specific thing (like a coordinate).
  • void pointer → type variable

Data interface:

  • All hard data types (not variable) have capitalized names.
  • unit is just saying that it is actual data.
  • constuct is some organization of units.
  • Later one, we need to discuss/add notes for boxed and unboxed types.
  • Not only can data be variable, but also the types. These are called type variables and functions could be variable in their arguments and return values but have a consistent flow for the types.
    • e.g. :t fstfst :: (a,b) -> a which means the return value has the same type as the first value.
    • Allows you to write functions which are a notion around data rather than looking at the actual data. The head function is simply "give me the first element of a list" but cares not for the type of the element. So :t headhead :: [a] -> a where a is any type.
Name Level Typeclass (some) Example Range Note
Boolean unit Enum True, False [True,False]
Int unit Enum, Num, Integral 1, 7 [-2^63, 2^63] (64 bit machine) Will adapt to float in cases like 1 + 1.0
Integer unit Enum, Num, Integeral 1, 7 (-INF, INF) less efficient than Int
Float unit Enum, Num, Floating 3.14, 1.62 (-INF, INF)
Double unit Enum, Num, Floating 3.14, 1.62 (-INF, INF) Float with double the precision
Char unit Enum 'a', '\11111'` ['\NUL', '\1114111'` Default supports unicode
List construct [1,2,3], ['a', 'b', 'c']"abc" unbounded all units have the same type, String is a List of Char
Tuple construct (1,2,3), (1, 1.1, 'a') single units heterogeneous types allowed
Ordering construct Takes elements of Ord LT, GT & EQ unbounded Essentially an enum which denotes order

Type Classes

A type classes is a are interfaces that types may implement such that they can be used with functions that have class constraints. They specify properties about the data type.

  • e.g. :t (==) gives (==) :: (Eq a) => a -> a -> Bool. The == function can only operate on arguments which have types from which bear the Eq type class.
    • The first part of (Eq a) => is a class constraint saying that a needs to have the type class for Eq.
    • The second part of a -> a -> Bool just means the 2 args must have the same type and the return value is a Boolean.
  • :t elem(Eq a) => a -> [a] -> Bool since it uses (==) to determine if an element is in a list.
    • Eq supported types implement == and /=.
    • Ord supported types implement >, >=, <=, < (ordering stuff). Requires that Eq is already satisfied.
    • Show supported types can be printed (output in String form). To print, use show 3"3".
    • Read (accompanied with function read) is the opposite of Show. read is basically eval (Ruby). e.g. read "3" + 2 gives 5.
      • Function read is a bit special. :t readread :: (Read a) => String -> a which means the return value could be anything.
      • If we don't use it directly with another defined type, it won't know how to interpret the returned value and a no parse exception.
      • To solve this, we use a type annotation which declares how we want the output to be interpreted. e.g. read "3" :: Int gives 3 as type Int.
    • Enum are sequentially ordered. Can use succ, pred, etc.
    • Bounded are types with bounds. They are polymorphic since they work on many types. minBound :: Int-9223372036854775808, minBound :: Char'\NUL'.
    • Num are number like classes. Requires that Eq and Show are already satisfied.
    • Integral, as expected, is whole numbers and contains Int and Integer.
    • Floating includes Float and Double.
  • fromIntegral is a function to turn (cast) an Integral type into a Num so that you can use it with Floating. While a piece of data, say 5, might have a strictest definition of something like Int it can be treated with broader definitions right up to type classes themselves which are just interfaces (like Num).


  • Declarations:
    • You can explicitly declare the IO types of a function (the mapping type) before writing out the function (likes headers in C) (see def.hs).
    • The difference between Int -> Int -> Int and Int, Int -> Int is ...
  • Functions:
    • <function name> arg1 arg2 arg3 = <stuff with args>
    • Function names must start with a lowercase character because ...
  • IF:
    • IF branches must always have an else claws. This ensures that the IF block is an expression (code that always returns something).


  • Lists are inherent data structures to the language.
  • They can be of any type but must be homogeneous.
  • Lists of lists can be of different lengths but not different types of lists. Think about casted pointers in C!
  • Concatenation of lists A and B is defined as A ++ B (O(|A|)).
  • cons operator is a perpend insert of a single character. 1:[2,3,4] --> [1,2,3,4] (O(1)).
  • You can then assume that [1,2,3] is equivalent to 1:2:3:[].
  • Indexing into a list is with !! such that "abc" !! 1 --> 'b'.
  • Operators <, >, <=, >= are defined as working from the head of the list and breaking on first win. i.e. [3,2,1] > [3,2,0] --> True.
  • head returns the first element.
  • tail returns everything after the first element (the head).
  • last returns the last element.
  • init returns everything before the last element.
  • ^ all of these throw exceptions on empty lists. For the functions below, you don't need to check for the length.
  • length returns the number (integer) of elements in the list.
  • null returns True if the list is empty.
  • reverse reverses a list.
  • take <int> <list> returns the first <int> number elements for <list>.
  • drop <int> <list> returns <list> without the first <int> elements.
  • minimum returns the min element.
  • maximum returns the max element.
  • sum returns the sum of all the elements.
  • product is the production of all elements.
  • A `elem` B tells us if A is in the list B.
  • [A..B] returns all sequential elements (if that is defined) from A to B.
  • [A,B..C] returns a linear spacing of A to C with step size of deduced as B-A. Floats in these devices often have funky precision errors.
  • cycle returns an infinite repetition of the list (flattened).
  • repeat <element> returns an infinite list of the element or is the same as cycle [<element>].
  • replicate A B returns a list of length A with every element being B.
  • We can write list comprehensions or mappings like so [x*x | x <- [1..5]] which returns [1,4,9,16,15].
    • Predicates can be added (aka filtering). [x*x | x <- [1..5], even (x*x)] gives all the even squares.
    • Multiple predicates/filters can be added. [x*x | x <- [1..10], even (x*x), x*x < 50] gives [4,16,36].
  • You should see by now that list comprehensions are a way to implement loops. This is also true when it comes to double loops where we supply 2 lists.
    • [x*y | x <- [1,2,3], y <- [2,2,0]] gives [2,2,0,4,4,0,6,6,0].
    • A loop is required to compute length, but the element-iterator is not used in the mapping so we denote it as _. `length' x = sum[1 | _ <- x]


  • Haskell will operate on actual data and evaluate expressions only when absolutely necessary (when it needs to make a decision).
  • We can define infinite lists like take 3 [1..]. [1..] never finishes computing but since take 3 requires only a piece, it will finish and return [1,2,3].


  • Length and types (at each index) define the type of tuple.
  • There is no empty or null tuple.
  • Comparators are defined.
  • fst x returns the first component of tuple x.
  • snd x returns the second componet of tuple x.
  • ^ these only work on pairs (tuples with only two components).
  • zip A B will return a list of pairs where the elements of A are paired up with the elements of B.

Calculation by filtering:

  • This is common practice in functional programming.
  • How do we calculate all the right triangles with integer sides <= 10 and perimetre = 24.
  • In an imperative language we would probably have to triple loop and check for both right-ness and the length of the perimeter.
  • In Haskell, building from the initial full space to a specific result is a bit more elegant.
-- all triangles of integer sides <= 10
[(a,b,c) | a <- [1..10], b <- [1..10], c <- [1..10]]

-- remove the duplicates
[(a,b,c) | a <- [1..10], b <- [1..a], c <- [1..b]]

-- make the triangles right again
[(a,b,c) | c <- [1..10], b <- [1..c], a <- [1..b], a^2 + b^2 == c^2]

-- remove the ones without the target perimeter
[(a,b,c) | c <- [1..10], b <- [1..c], a <- [1..b], a^2 + b^2 == c^2, a+b+c == 24]

Pattern Matching, Guards, Lets & Cases:

  • These are concise case statments.
  • They should alwasys have a catch all claws at the end to ensure they don't throw exceptions from non-exhaustive pattern input.
  • as patterns are patterns which are matched but you also get a reference to the original input - all@(pieces:of:all).
  • Guards are the pattern matching version of boolean checks. If one is true, we output that clause.
  • We can also name things in guards and define them later (where keyword).
  • where bindings can even be defined by pattern matching (see the initials function).
  • where bindings can also defined entire fuctions which can then be called during the function's block.
  • where bindings are local to the function but let bindings are local to only an expression in the function.
  • let syntax is let <bindings> in <expression>. Because they are expressions you can cram these anywhere in code.
  • We also have a case expression (which is really what pattern matchin is) and it can be thrown in anywhere.

Recursion - see lesson4_recursion/recurion.hs

Higher Order Functions