The purpose of this lab is to introduce various Continuous Integration / Delivery (CI / CD) workflows when working with the Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite product.
This lab investigates the following CI / CD workflows:
In this module, the out-of-the-box CI / CD features provided by the BPM Suite 6 product are utilized.
This module is particularly relevant to those with experience with other BPM products that also provide native support for continuous integration and delivery.
Highlights of this BPMS Driven Delivery
approach include:
Developers and business analysts collaborate on the same BPM Suite environment.
managed repository
feature from BPM Suite is utilized . -
System of truth of version controlled BxMS artifacts is the
repository of BPM Suite .
Details can be found in the BPMS Driven Delivery README.
In this module, Jenkins is utilized to orchestrate CI / CD workflows of BxMS business processes and rules.
This module is particularly relevant to software developers already proficient with (and have an appreciation for) Jenkins and hosted Git repositories (such as Github or Gitlab).
Highlights of this Jenkins
focused approach are as follows:
Master branch of BPM projects is always in a deployable state.
Can be fully automated (as per principles of Continuous Delivery and DevOps)
System of truth of version controlled BxMS artifacts are the repositories managed in a custom
environment. -
Every developer has their own local BPMS instance.
Details can be found in the BxMS CI / CD using Jenkins README.
In this module, Jenkins and GitLab continue to be utilized to orchestrate CI / CD workflows of BxMS business processes and rules. Additionally, the Git Flow approach is leveraged.
Highlights of this Git flow
approach are as follows:
Not fully automated.
Makes heavy use of git branching.
Developers never work on master.
Requires git branching capabilities of BPM Suite.
System of truth of version controlled BxMS artifacts are the repositories managed in a custom
environment. -
Every developer has their own local BPMS instance.
Details can be found in the Git Flow Model README.