JBoss A-MQ Biomedical Signals Sensor Monitor DashBoard IoT Demo

Demo based on JBoss A-MQ product.

Setup and Configuration

  • Download JBoss A-MQ product from RED HAT (version 6.1) into install folder

  • run 'init.sh'

  • start JBoss A-MQ

    go to ./target/jboss-a-mq-{$version}/bin execute JBoss A-MQ by executing ./amq

  • Startup the instance by

    goto project/amqp-demo-web-biomedical mvn jetty:run to startup the server

    goto project/mqtt-drools mvn camel:run -Psimple

  • verify Biomedical Signals Sensor Monitor DashBoard


  • click on start button.

Supporting Articles

Coming soon...

Released versions

See the tagged releases for the following versions of the product:

  • v0.1 - JBoss A-MQ 6.1 and biometric dashboard installed.

Biometrical Dashbaord

Install Console