
This is a Getting Started Example for a Developer Hello World Experience.

Primary LanguageBatchfile

Data Virtualization Getting Started for a Developer Hello World Experience

This Project contains a CSV file and XML File as datasources for a federated view in a Virtual Database. You can view the project, preview data, deploy the VDB and browse to the OData URLs.

In order to run this demo with DV 6.2 you must download EAP 6.4.0, EAP 6.4.3 Patch and DV 6.2.
If you have any issues please add an issue and we will resolve.

Setting up your environment

Default Usernames and Passwords
Option 1. Running and Previewing within JBDS (Manual Steps for DV 6.1 or DV 6.2)
Option 2. Running and Previewing without JBDS (Automated scripts for DV 6.2)
Option 3. Running in a Container (Automated scripts for DV 6.2)

alt text

This Project contains a CSV file and XML File as datasources for a federated view in a Virtual Database. You can view the project, preview data, deploy the VDB and browse to the OData URLs.

Credentials setup during install

Management Credentials:
Datavirtualization Credentials:
Datavirtualization Dashboard Credentials:

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Steps to Run the Demo

Option 1 Running and previewing within JBDS

This option walks you through the manual steps to install, run and test the demo in a local environment. You can also view the Teiid project in JDBS.

STEP 1: Clone the Repository and Download EAP, EAP Patch and Data Virtualization
A. git clone https://github.com/jbossdemocentral/dv-gettingstarted.git
B. Download DV 6.1 (1 download) or 6.2 (3 downloads)
-For DV 6.1, Download from jboss.org http://www.jboss.org/products/datavirt/download/
-For DV 6.2, Download EAP 6.4.0 from jboss.org http://www.jboss.org/products/eap/download/
-For DV 6.2, Download EAP 6.4.3 Roll up patch from CSP https://access.redhat.com/jbossnetwork/restricted/softwareDownload.html?softwareId=39353
-For DV 6.2, Download from jboss.org http://www.jboss.org/products/datavirt/download/
C. Install DV 6.1 or 6.2 with java -jar installer
-For DV 6.1 install Data Virtualization enabling OData
-For DV 6.2 Install a) EAP, b) EAP Rollup Patch and c) Data Virtualization enabling OData
The roll up patch can be installed with the following while EAP is running.
Linux: bin/jboss-cli.sh "patch apply path/to/jboss-eap-6.4.3-patch.zip"
Windows: bin\jboss-cli.bat "patch apply --override-all path\to\jboss-eap-6.4.3-patch.zip"

STEP 2: Import, Preview Data and Deploy
-NOTE: In order to use the source files and VDB the Parent folder has to be updated to your local git clone directory for the project. To do that run the script below otherwise manual update to the files: CustomerContextCSVSourceModel.xmi
-From the scripts folder run ./update-folders.sh OR ./update-folders.bat
-Download JBDS http://www.jboss.org/products/devstudio/download/
-Install JBDS and the Integration Stack https://devstudio.jboss.com/updates/8.0/integration-stack/
-Add and start a new server with the home directory of the installed DV from above
-Verify management and jdbc connections on the Teiid instance
-Refresh the server
-Import the project into JBDS (should have JBDIS installed)
-Verify default teiid instance from actions in Teiid perspective
-Right click on the 3 views/tables and preview the data
-Click on the VDB and execute the selected text
SELECT * FROM CustomerContextView.CustomerContextTable;
-Deploy the VDB

STEP 3: Browse the Data Virtualization and the Data throughthe Chrome Browser
-All Data
-Specific Entity
-Management Console to view Virtual Database

As Easy as 1,2,3....

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Option 2 Running and previewing without JBDS

This option walks you through the automated steps to install, run and test the demo in a local environment. This option has scripts for DV 6.2.

STEP 1: Clone the Repository and Download EAP, EAP Patch and Data Virtualization
A. git clone https://github.com/jbossdemocentral/dv-gettingstarted.git
B. Download the required DV 6.2 files and place in the software folder
-Download DV 6.2 from jboss.org http://www.jboss.org/products/datavirt/download/
-Download EAP 6.4.0 from jboss.org http://www.jboss.org/products/eap/download/
-Download EAP 6.4.3 Roll up patch from CSP https://access.redhat.com/jbossnetwork/restricted/softwareDownload.html?softwareId=39353
-Put the EAP 6.4.0, EAP 6.4.3 Roll up patch and Data Virtualization downloads into the software folder

STEP 2: Run Scripts in the scripts folder
-NOTE: In this option the data is set in ${jboss.home.dir}/standalone/data/ and the standalone.xml is update for the VDB. The corresponding bat files require update.
-Run ./init.sh or ./init.bat to setup DV -Run ./run.sh ./run.bat to run DV. Verify DV started completely with tail -f dv.log
-Run ./test.sh > out.txt to test the OData url

STEP 3: Browse the Data Virtualization and the Data
-View the out.txt to see All Data, Specific Entity and Metadata examples for XML format and/or run the three below individually through the Chrome browser.
-All Data
-Specific Entity
-Management Console to view Virtual Database

As Easy as 1,2,3....

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Option 3 Running in a container

This option walks you through the automated steps to install, run and test the demo in a Container. This option has scripts for DV 6.2.

STEP 1: Clone the Repository and Download EAP, EAP Patch and Data Virtualization
-git clone https://github.com/jbossdemocentral/dv-gettingstarted.git
-Download DV 6.2 from jboss.org http://www.jboss.org/products/datavirt/download/
-Download EAP 6.4.0 from jboss.org http://www.jboss.org/products/eap/download/
-Download EAP 6.4.3 Roll up patch from CSP https://access.redhat.com/jbossnetwork/restricted/softwareDownload.html?softwareId=39353
-Put the EAP 6.4.0, EAP 6.4.3 Roll up patch and Data Virtualization downloads into the software folder

STEP 2: Create and Run Container

  • Note: in this option the data is set in ${jboss.home.dir}/standalone/data/ and the standalone.xml is update for the VDB

  • Copy Dockerfile and .dockerignore files from support/docker directory to the project root.

  • Build demo image

     docker build -t jbossdemocentral/dv-gettingstarted .  
  • Start demo container

     docker run -it -p 9990 -p 9999:9999 -p 8080:8080 -p 31000:31000 jbossdemocentral/dv-gettingstarted  
  • In many cases, the docker socket may not utilize the localhost interface. Changes may be required to modify the following scripts to utilize the correct interface docker is utilizing

    • run.sh

-Run ./test.sh > out.txt to test the OData url

STEP 3: Browse the Data Virtualization and the Data
-View the out.txt to see All Data, Specific Entity and Metadata examples for XML format and/or run the three below individually through the Chrome browser.
-All Data
-Specific Entity
-Management Console to view Virtual Database

As Easy as 1,2,3....

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