Fuse Integration Services (FIS) Hystrix Demo

Demonstration of the Netflix OSS Hystrix fault tolerance library with Fuse Integration Services


This project demonstrates a microservices based project that leverages Hystrix to provide fault tolerance for remote systems and invocations. A gateway application integrated with Hystrix stands in front of various microservices providing language based services.


The following components are included within the project:

  • Kubeflix - Kubernetes integration with the Netflix OSS library
  • Gateway Microservice - Hystrix enabled gateway for backend microservices
  • Definition Microservice - Provides the definition for words


An OpenShift environment must be present for deployment to to a cloud environment


This project can be deployed using two methods:

  • Automated installation using an init.sh script
  • Building and deploying each microservice along with instantiation of the Kubeflix ecosystem

Using the init script

The init.sh script automates the instantiation of the components contained within this project. It will deploy the Kubeflix ecosystem (Hystrix dashboard and Turbine server) as well performs a Source to Image (S2I) build and deployment for each microservice.

First, login to the OpenShift cluster using the oc tool.

Next, execute the init.sh script


Monitor the microservices builds using oc get builds and the status of the deployed pods using oc get pods to confirm the project components start successfully.

Manual build and deployment

The manual build and deployment method takes advantage of the Fabric8 Maven Plugin to build and deploy each microservice to OpenShift.

First, create a new OpenShift project called fis-hystrix

oc new-project fis-hystrix --description="Fuse Integration Services Hystrix Demo" --display-name="FIS Hystrix"

Within each microservices directory, execute the following command which will execute the ocp profile that executes the clean fabric8:deploy maven goal:

mvn -P ocp

The fabric8 maven plugin will perform the following actions:

  • Compiles and packages the Java artifact
  • Creates the OpenShift API objects
  • Starts a Source to Image (S2I) binary build using the previously packaged artifact
  • Deploys the application

After all applications are running, deploy the Hystrix dashboard and Turbine server using the provided kubeflix.json template in the support/templates folder

Instantiate the template by executing the following command

oc process -f support/templates/kubeflix.json | oc create -f-

Hystrix Dashboard

As part of the Kubeflix, the Hystrix Dashboard is deployed to provide a visualization of the metrics produced by Hystrix. This location of this dashboard can be accessed by executing the following command using the oc client:

oc get routes hystrix-dashboard --template='{{ .spec.host }}'

Using a web browser, navigate to the address obtained from the previous command. The URL of the stream provided by turbine is already repopulated. Click Monitor Stream to view the results from the gateway microservice

Swagger UI

A Swagger User Interface is available within the gateway application to view and invoke the available services.

Navigate to the gateway application. The URL can be found in the OpenShift Web Console

Select the hyperlink for the gateway application to launch the Swagger UI

The raw swagger definition can also be found at the context path api/api-doc

Command Line Testing

Using a command line, execute the following to query the definition service

curl -s http://$(oc get routes gateway --template='{{ .spec.host }}')/api/definition/camel | python -m json.tool

A successful response will output the following

    "definition": "Either of two large, humped, ruminant quadrupeds of the genus",
    "input": "camel"