
This is the final project for 1660 - Inverted Indices

Primary LanguageJava


This is the Inverted Indices option of the final project for 1660

In this project, I had to develop several programs that ran MapReduce on an HDFS cluster on GCP. The programs were creating an inverted indices data structure, searching for a particular word, and finding the top n words in the list of files given.

I also had to write a local GUI program to allow the user to interact and run these cloud programs, and then aggregate the data into an easily viewable form.

Steps to Reproduce (on macOS)

  • Download and install Docker Desktop, and then ensure it is running
    • Then, run the following command to pull the image from Docker Hub
    • docker pull superjew102/1660_final_project:invertedindices
  • Download, install, and run Xquartz
  • On the Xquartz terminal, navigate to the folder where you downloaded the image from Docker and run the following commands:
    • IP=$(ifconfig en0 | grep inet | awk '$1=="inet" {print $2}')
    • xhost + $IP
    • docker run --rm -e DISPLAY=$IP:0 -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --name my-name superjew102/1660_final_project:invertedindices
  • The program should open in a new Xquartz window and you should be able to interact with it
  • While running the program, it can take a minute or two to run the cloud programs and return back with the data. Therefore, keep an eye on the Xquartz terminal, as it will continuously report the status of the job while it is running
  • Note: When searching for the text files to use, xquartz will open in the "root" folder. Make sure to go back a folder to the "/" directory, and the "Data" directory will be there. That folder has all of the text files in it. See video for a visual walkthrough.

If OneDrive is making the video too blurry or pixelated, here's a YouTube link with my video which may be easier to watch (I recommend viewing in 1080p on full screen to properly see all of the text)


  • Everything needed to run the project is included in the docker image, including the credentials file and the text files
  • My cluster will be left running throughout the remainder of the next week, until I have received my grade. Therefore, there is no need to run a different cluster