
Jive SBS plugin integrating Jive and JIRA

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Jive SBS Plugin: Jira integration

Jive SBS plugin integrating Jive content and JIRA issues


  1. Link and unlink any content in SBS (Document, Discussion, Blog post, Poll) with any JIRA ticket
  2. Honor JIRA permissions
  3. Synchronize SBS's related Issues and JIRA's JBoss Forum custom field
  4. Work with JIRA 5's REST API


Parameter Type Description Example
jboss.jira.baseURL URL Public URL of JIRA https://issues.jboss.org
jboss.jira.baseURLInternal URL Internal URL fo JIRA (can be same as public URL) https://issues.jboss.org
jboss.jira.sbsDomainToCheck String Value of JBoss Forum Reference is determined as SBS content if contains this domain. community.jboss.org/
jboss.jira.updateJiraTicketsPeriod Integer (minutes) Period defines last jira tickest which should be synchronized from JIRA to SBS's related issues 15 (synchronize tickets which were udpated in recent 15 minutes)
jboss.jira.updateJiraTicketsInterval Integer (minutes) How often plugin will do synchronization from JIRA tickets to SBS's related issues 10 (every 10 minutes)
jboss.jira.specialUpdateCountTo Integer Count of regulard updates after them is special update performed. It's useful when it's needed to perform for example big update twice per day 36 (after 35 regular updates perform special one = 42 * 10 min = 6 hours)
jboss.jira.specialUpdateJiraTicketsPeriod Integer (minutes) Period for special update. Functionality is the same like regular update but another (longer) period 360 (synchronize tickets which were udpated in recent 6 hours)
jboss.jira.wsdlUsername String Valid username used for accessing JIRA via SOAP WebServices
jboss.jira.wsdlPassword String Password for username (see row above)

Installation steps

  1. Install the plugin via admin console
  2. Ensure that JIRA provides REST API
  3. Create service account in SBS and add Edit Issue privileges in JIRA
  4. Add all parameters as SBS's System properties
  5. (Optional) Add read privileges to "jiradb.customfieldvalue" and "jiradb.jiraissue" tables for sbs db account
  6. Restart SBS
  7. Make sure that JIRA conains in JBoss Forum Reference custom field all Related Issues link from SBS (from earlier versions of plugin)
  8. Add JIRA widget to SBS Theme:
  9. /template/blogs/view-sidebar.ftl
<#if post?exists>
  <#include "/plugins/jira/resources/templates/jboss-jira-macro.ftl"/>
  <@jiraWidget objectType=post.objectType objectID=post.ID containerType='blog'/>
  1. /template/docs/doc-sidebar.ftl
<#include "/plugins/jira/resources/templates/jboss-jira-macro.ftl"/>
<@jiraWidget objectType=document.objectType objectID=document.ID containerType='document'/>
  1. /template/forums/thread.ftl
<#include "/plugins/jira/resources/templates/jboss-jira-macro.ftl"/>
<@jiraWidget objectType=thread.rootMessage.objectType objectID=thread.rootMessage.ID containerType='thread'/>

Data initialization

To perform full reindex you need to pass step no. 5 from Installation steps

  1. Start full reindex of Related Issues in SBS admin console > System > Management > JIRA Integration.