
Tika Server for use with Aleph

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Tika Server for use with Aleph

This repo contains the Dockerfile to create a docker image that contains the latest Ubuntu running the Apache Tika 1.15 Server on Port 9998 using Java 8.


First you need to pull down the build from Dockerhub, which can be done by invoking:

docker pull opengazettes/aleph-docker-tikaserver

Then to run the container, execute the following command:

docker run -d -p 9998 opengazettes/aleph-docker-tikaserver


To build the image from scratch, simply invoke:

docker build -t 'docker-tikaserver' .

You can then use the following command (using the name you allocated in the build command as part of -t option):

docker run -d -p 9998 docker-tikaserver


For more info on Apache Tika Server, go to the Apache Tika Server documentation.