End to end test

Complete project setup

  • Initialise a git repository in this directory
  • Create a repository on GitHub and add as a remote to this repository
    • e.g. git remote add origin git@github.com:OpenUpSA/end_to_end_test.git
  • Enable Continuous Integration checks for the GitHub Repository at travis-ci.org
  • Enable code coverage reporting for the project at codecov.io
    • Enable GitHub integration - it automatically configures Travis-CI and shows coverage diffs in pull requests
    • Verify that you see coverage % on the Commits tab for the project. If it's just zero, check for errors by clicking a commit item.

Project Layout


Apps go in the project directory end_to_end_test

Javascript and CSS

JS and CSS are bundled using parcel - see package.json.

Development setup

In one shell, run the frontend asset builder

docker-compose run --rm yarn dev

In another shell, initialise and run the django app

docker-compose run --rm web bin/wait-for-postgres.sh
docker-compose run --rm web python manage.py migrate
docker-compose run --rm web up

If you need to destroy and recreate your dev setup, e.g. if you've messed up your database data or want to switch to a branch with an incompatible database schema, you can destroy all volumes and recreate them by running the following, and running the above again:

docker-compose down --volumes

Running tests

docker-compose run --rm web python manage.py test

Tests might fail to connect to the databse if the docker-compose db service wasn't running and configured yet. Just check the logs for the db service and run the tests again.


Ensure the host directory where docker-compose is run from is writable by the UID inside the container. The easiest way to do that is to make it globally-writable, e.g. chmod 777 . but be aware of the security implications of this.

Adding dependencies using Pipenv

Run the container as root to have permission to change files

docker-compose run -u root web bash

and in that shell install what you need