Monsieur Touriste

Monsieur Touriste is a toy project and a Sinatra experiment that came to life while I was visiting Europe. The basic idea is to look very tourist-ish and/or dumb with well known locations in the background. Hopefully the number of pictures will grow fast.

Thanks to @LP_Cloutier for his input, pictures and good laughs.

Running the project

Monsieur Touriste runs on top of Unicorn, Sinatra and pretty much any databsase supported by DataMapper.

Running locally

gem install bundler
cp config/development{.default,}.yml
bundle install


Setup deploy (first time only)

# Edit configs in config/deploy.rb
cap deploy:setup
# ssh to your server and copy config/production.default.yml to shared/config/production.yml
# and edit as needed


cap deploy