
class util to use NativeProcess API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Process Command is a library to use Native Process API from AIR2. 

The library allow you to use command with process, to use it like a service. 

Pre requirements:

Using AIR2
changing application descriptor with <supportedProfiles>extendedDesktop</supportedProfiles>


create a Native Process service and initialize it:

	public var procService:NativeProcessService;
	public var startCommand:INativeProcessCommand;
	public function init():void{
		procService = new NativeProcessService();
		}else if(procService.isWindows){
		}else{ //is linux...
		procService.IOInputError.add(onIOInputError); //listener with IOErrorEvent param
		procService.IOOutputError.add(onIOOutputError); //listener with IOErrorEvent param

Running an application or starting a listening application without arguments and listening for activities

	startCommand = procService.start();

	startCommand.output.add(onOutput); //listener with data:ByteArray
	startCommand.error.add(onError); //listener with data:ByteArray
	startCommand.exit.add(onExit); //listener with data:Object containing outputData (ByteArray) and errorData (ByteArray)

Create a Command and execute it

	var cmd:NativeProcessCommand = new NativeProcessCommand();
	cmd.commandName = nameOfCommand; //(e.g for git: init)
	cmd.args.addItem(otherParam); //you can add as much as you need

	cmd.output.add(onCmdOutput); //listener with data:ByteArray
	cmd.error.add(onCmdError); //listener with data:ByteArray
	cmd.exit.add(onCmdExit); //listener with data:Object containing outputData (ByteArray) and errorData (ByteArray)

	//if the process is not running
	//you can specify the working directory
	cmd.workingDirectory = File.applicationDirectory
	//and running the command

	//if the process is running, inject the command