
Repository set for testing purpose

Primary LanguageGherkin

Coffee Machine

This is an example repo with some Gherkin feature files.

Imagine we have built a coffee machine for our office, with automated tests using Cucumber.

Gherkin Editor user test

To prepare:

  1. Fork this repo to your own GitHub account
  2. Open the Coffee Machine project in CucumberStudio

During the user testing session:

  1. Connect this project to the main branch of your fork of the coffee-machine repo
  2. Browse the existing documentation to get a feel for the project
  3. Use CucumberStudio to create a new feature file for serving tea. It could look like this:
Feature: Serve tea

  Scenario: Serve a single cup of standard British tea
    Given the machine is running
    When I order a cup of tea
    Then a single cup of tea with milk should be dispensed
  1. Save your changes
  2. See the new feature in CucumberStudio
  3. See the new feature in GitHub