
USACO 2014 Camp Game

Primary LanguageC

Cow Catcher

Cow Catcher! USACO 2013

Have questions?

Try the FAQ/Wiki.

Need updates?

If you need to update your local copy, navigate to CowCatcher/ and try:

git pull origin master

What is Cow Catcher?


How do I get started?

Begin by cloning a copy of the Git repo:

git clone git://github.com/usaco/CowCatcher.git

Go to the base/ directory and compile the driver:

cd CowCatcher/base

This will create the CowCatcher driver.

Next, build the example bots to help with testing:

cd ../bots
bash build-all.sh

Make a new bot to begin working. A helper script has been provided for this purpose.

cd ..
bash setup-bot.sh "My Awesome Bot"

This will create a new directory MyAwesomeBot/ in the directory bots/.