
Modifying the commit history of git repositories in order to write messages in GitHub's contribution graph.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Modifying the commit history of git repositories in order to write messages in GitHub's contribution graph.

I did this project as a way of learning how to use the Rugged library which is a ruby binding to libgit2.

Check out the picture below or see it live (note: more than a year has passed since I created this, so the contribution graph for this account now looks empty).

GITHUB CommitArt

Using the letters from the alphabet.yml file, I was able to write GITHUB in the contribution history.

How to run it

First, set environment variable for the script to use. Both the email and the user need to be configured for the script to run. The environment variables for the email and username are COMMIT_ART_EMAIL and COMMIT_ART_USERNAME, respectively.

Then, run

$ ruby commitart.rb /absolute/path/to/existing/repo GITHUB

Assumption: the repository you are targeting already exists.


  • gitfiti - uses python to make raw git calls and allows you to draw pictures such as the '1up' mushroom from Mario.
  • github-contributions - uses JavaScript and provides a GUI for designing the look of the contribution calendar to be generated.
  • git-draw - interactive chrome plugin that allows you to draw directly on the heat map and then export the script.


Copyright © 2013-2016 Josh Branchaud

Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.