
Experimenting with GitHub Actions

Primary LanguageTypeScript

GitHub Actions Experiment

The main workflow to pay attention to is the one that runs canaries/healthchecks using Playwright (.github/workflows/playwright.yml).

This workflow can be dispatched manually from the GitHub Actions UI or via a script located in the bin directory:

$ ./bin/send-workflow-dispatch.sh

In order to run that shell script dispatch, you need to have a personal GitHub access token created and set in the .env.local file. To do that, start by copying the example environment file.

$ cp .env.local{.example,}

The playwright.yml workflow will kick off several other workflows that run playwright canaries/healthchecks against several web properites. The specific playwright logic for each of those canaries lives in src/canaries.

Each of those Playwright canaries can be individually, locally invoked like so:

$ npm run healthcheck -- src/canaries/playwright-total-typescript.ts

To get the canaries to run every hour on the hour, you'd eventually want to add a schedule directive to the workflow using this cron syntax:

    - cron: '0 * * * *'