A UI extending the Canvas Particles library
Customize your own canvas with particles and get the js snippet for use in your own projects.
npm install
npm start
gulp useref
gulp build
gulp clean:dist
- Uses Canvas Particles to generate colored particles as base/default canvas
- Uses HTML5 canvas to display particles
- Flexbox w/ media queries for responsiveness
- JS animation frames to continually update animation
- Generates JS snippet from user input for use in other projects
- Developed with Typescript, Sass, and Gulp
- Clean up js files
- 'get snippet' button won't open modal unless changes are made to the input (sometimes)
- Refactored js to Typescript
- Made menu open/close animations smoother, no refocus when opened/closed
- Added expandable modal for generated snippet
- Changed desktop main window height to fit inside browser window height
- Added expandable menu for control panel
- Added wall/nowall option, changed large layout for controls to columns
- Added more options for customization, styling for interface
- Initial commit