
A Docker Compose setup for running Ozone HIS

Primary LanguageShell

Ozone HIS - The Docker Compose Project

This is the official Docker Compose project to start and run an Ozone HIS server.

Quick Start

Gathering the distro artifacts:

First, you need to gather all required artifacts out of ozone-distro:

$ git clone  https://github.com/ozone-his/ozone-distro
$ cd ozone-distro
$ mvn clean package

Let us name your sample demo Ozone instance "demo" by exporting the envvar DISTRO_GROUP:

export DISTRO_GROUP="demo"

Then unzip the demo distro .zip artifact in a temp folder:

$ unzip target/ozone-distro-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.zip -d /tmp/ozone-distro-$DISTRO_GROUP/

Clone the project:

Switch to another terminal window then:

git clone https://github.com/ozone-his/ozone-docker
cd ozone-docker

Export your sample distro name as envvar here as well:

export DISTRO_GROUP="demo"

Export all needed envvars:

The Ozone Docker project relies on a number of environment variables to document where the distro sources assets are to be found. For the sample demo you can export the following variables:

export DISTRO_PATH=/tmp/ozone-distro-$DISTRO_GROUP;  \
export OPENMRS_CONFIG_PATH=$DISTRO_PATH/openmrs_config;  \
export OZONE_CONFIG_PATH=$DISTRO_PATH/ozone_config;  \
export OPENMRS_CORE_PATH=$DISTRO_PATH/openmrs_core;  \
export OPENMRS_MODULES_PATH=$DISTRO_PATH/openmrs_modules;  \
export EIP_PATH=$DISTRO_PATH/eip_config; \
export SPA_PATH=$DISTRO_PATH/spa;\
export SENAITE_CONFIG_PATH=$DISTRO_PATH/senaite_config; \
export SUPERSET_CONFIG_PATH=$DISTRO_PATH/superset_config;\

export ODOO_EXTRA_ADDONS=$DISTRO_PATH/odoo_config/addons;\
export ODOO_CONFIG_PATH=$DISTRO_PATH/odoo_config/odoo_csv;\
export ODOO_CONFIG_FILE_PATH=$DISTRO_PATH/odoo_config/config/initializer_config.json;\

Start Ozone HIS:

docker-compose -p $DISTRO_GROUP up

Important: This assumes that you run the docker command as the same user and in the same window in which you exported your variables. If Docker is run as sudo the variables will not be defined. Make sure to either export them as root, or run docker with sudo -E option to preserve the user environment. See also 'Post-installation steps for Linux'.

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