RoboTest lets you use Robolectric with ScalaTest.
Using Robolectric with ScalaTest means that you mean write unit tests for your Android apps in Scala and run them in a JVM. Without Robolectric, Android unit tests must be run in an emulator. This is slow and painful enough to make TDD impossible with Android.
Robolectric provides a JUnit test runner which does some class loader magic at runtime to give your unit tests fake versions of Android framework classes. RoboTest is similar to Robolectric's JUnit test runner. RoboTest does not use JUnit.
Using RoboTest is really easy.
Get it here GitHub
val robotest = "com.github.jbrechtel" %% "robotest" % "0.1-SNAPSHOT" % "test"
val robotestSnapshots = "snapshots" at ""
Then you can mix it into your ScalaTest tests: