
Tetris clone for PlayStation 1 (PSX)

Primary LanguageC

Notris: a Tetris clone for the PSOne

Notris is a suspiciously familiar "tetronimo based game" for the PlayStation 1. It's written in C using PSnoobSDK.

This repo contains builds for three platforms:

  • ✅ a JavaScript prototype using <canvas>
  • ✅ a MacOS C port using SDL
  • ✅ a PlayStation 1 game

Build / play instructions

  • Project requires PSnoobSDK, its headers and a C/CMake environment
  • /psx contains the PSOne game source code
  • build.ps1 is a PowerShell script that runs CMake
  • iso.xml configures the generated image. You may want to comment out the <license> entry (or provide your own copy of a license_data.dat inside the psx folder)
  • The generated image will be playable on an emulator or can be burned to a disc

Notes (WIP)

The following are rough notes that will be written up into a blog post

Motives and background

Last year I managed to get my hands on a very rare, black PlayStation 1. This is the Net Yaroze and it allowed ordinary consumers to write their own, basic PSOne games. Yaroze games were a little limited, they had to fit completely within system RAM, but there sprung up a small yet dedicated fandom of indie developers writing their own PSOne games in the 1990s.

But now I had my own, and it got me thinking - what does it take to write a PlayStation game?

This is about how I wrote my own, simple Tetris clone for the PSX, using open-source versions of the PSOne SDK but still running on original hardware and written in 90s-style C. The game is simple, just a 2D puzzle game without any audio, but I'm proud I made something real and running on an actual PlayStation. [Note - this is written from a future perspective : D]

How did they do it in the 90s?

The Sony PlayStation devkit was basically an expansion card you slotted into your PC. It used the old ISA standard and the software all ran on Windows 95. All the SDKs (software development kits) were based around the C programming language; almost every PSOne game was written in C.


Now I came into this project not having ever written any C, and being slightly intimidated by it. Most of my professional programming experience has been in much higher level languages like JavaScript and Haskell. I'd done a little C++ but modern C++ is so far from 90s C that they're practically different languages. How would I tackle this project?

Breaking down the problem

I figured I could break the problem into three smaller steps.

  1. Write a prototype in a high level language, to figure out the basic Tetris program
  2. Port the prototype to a native PC/Mac game, learning C as I went along
  3. Port that C game again to the PSOne, using an open source SDK

Part 1: JavaScript with HTML5 canvas

I figured the best place to start was a prototype in JavaScript. JS is a very forgiving, concise language, and <canvas> gives us a very basic but accessible graphics API.

Although I was working in JS, I tried to avoid leaning on any higher level language features. I wanted the port to C to be as straightforward as possible, so I stayed away from any functional programming, object orientation or dynamic typing. I stuck to a very procedural subset of JS, with mostly static memory.

Writing the prototype took longer than I expected! There's actually some depth to Tetris mechanics, and it took some fair tweaking before the game felt 'right'. I was pleased with having something playable, but I was a long way from "Notris" on the PSX.

(You can run the prototype in this project with yarn dev-web)

Part 2: MacOS with C and SDL2

I actually had an ulterior motive in this project: to finally learn C. As someone coming from much higher level languages I had something of an inferiority complex about it. C has an intimidating reputation and I feared horror stories of dangling pointers, misaligned bytes and the dreaded segfault.

Actually, working in C was incredibly fun and I really fell in love with the simplicity of its mental model. You start from basic primitives like structs and bytes and build things up to create an entire working system. A bit like cooking your own Big Mac from scratch, it feels empowering to know every part of it was your own effort - and it usually tastes better, too.

The MacOS game took a few days to port, and I was very satisfied with my first C project. And I hadn't had a single segfault!

SDL2 was pretty easy to work with, but there were a few aspects that required me to allocate memory dynamically. This would be a no-no on the PlayStation, where the malloc provided by the PSX kernel doesn't even work properly. And the graphics pipeline would be a new experience entirely...

Running it yourself

yarn build-macos && yarn run-macos

We're using SDL2 with the TTF font extension. These need to be installed on the system:

brew install sdl2 sdl2_ttf

Build command is

gcc hello.c `sdl2-config --libs` -lm -lSDL2_ttf

Explainer for the gcc flags

  • subshell for sdl2-config --libs generates handy linker arguments -L/usr/local/lib -lSDL2
  • -lm links the math library
  • lX links a library by name

Set MallocStackLogging=1 to use leaks cmd

Dev notes

  • generating tetronimos using numbers
  • generating colours using JS

PlayStation 1

Setting up dev environment

Compiler etc.

  • working on Windows (better emulation options)
  • my emulator of choice is Duckstation. It provides some debugging capabilities. The PSX community often recommends no$psx as a dev emulator, but I couldn't get this working with my builds.


Rewrite of PSY-Q Seemed to have the easiest setup & very thorough docs

Requires cmake https://cmake.org/download (I used 3.27.8) Rest of instructions from https://github.com/Lameguy64/PSn00bSDK

  • download binaries for platform, releases here: https://github.com/Lameguy64/PSn00bSDK/releases - I used v0.24
    • downloaded gcc-mipsel-none-elf-12.3.0-windows.zip - this is the MIPS toolchain. Added its /bin to my PATH
    • same dealy with PSn00bSDK-0.24-win32.zip
    • can check if mkpsxiso (from SDK) and mipsel-none-elf-size (from MIPS toolchain) are recognised on CMD
  • set env var PSN00BSDK_LIBS to the libs folder e.g. C:/PSn00bSDK/lib/libpsn00b. Check you can echo echo %PSN00BSDK_LIBS% and if not restart shell
  • now can invoke compiler with mipsel-none-elf-gcc

Then can create project as per https://github.com/Lameguy64/PSn00bSDK/blob/master/doc/installation.md#creating-a-project Copy template from share\psn00bSDK\template into a new repo Then call

cmake --preset default .
cmake --build ./build

To rebuild, clear build dir and re-run commands above

For VSCode, configure the includePath in the C/C++ plugin to include C:\PSn00bSDK/include/libpsn00b - this enables intellisense for PSX headers

Showing the PSX logo

Classic PSX games boot in two stages: first they show the Sony Computer Entertainment screen, then the classic PSX logo. But our example project doesn't. Why is that?

Well, the SCEE splash comes from the BIOS, as does the PSX boot sound, but the logo is actually part of the disc license data. It's there to act like a 'seal of authenticity' in effect.

MKPSXISO supports loading in a license file (i.e. extracted from a retail game via DUMPSXISO), but for the sake of copyright we have to gitignore it.

If we rebuild with a license_data.dat we get the classic splash screen

Building on windows

Because PSn00bSDK targets windows (and I'm using a windows emulator), I do my scripting for PSX projects with PowerShell. What's the extension of a powershell script? Why, it's .ps1, of course!

There's a build.ps1 file added to the project that can be executed by right clicking in Explorer

Programming model

The PSX BIOS and SDKs support heap allocations via malloc but are buggy and almost never used.

(add note on vsync)


Setup and text http://lameguy64.net/tutorials/pstutorials/chapter1/1-display.html Drawing and gfx http://lameguy64.net/tutorials/pstutorials/chapter1/2-graphics.html

Basic idea is that the 3D maths, projections etc are handled by a coprocessor called the Geometry Transform Engine, before the CPU sends "packets" to the GPU to actually go and render / rasterise primitive shapes at particular locations.

Packets are arranged in RAM using an ordering table. This initialises to a simple linked list of n pointers. Primitives are added by inserting structs into the linked list

See https://psx.arthus.net/sdk/Psy-Q/DOCS/TECHNOTE/ordtbl.pdf


[Front of screen], z= 0, z=1, z=2, ... [Back of screen]


0 --                -- 1 <--                                -- 2 <-- BEGINS FROM END 
    \- [Shape 1] <-/         \- [Shape 2] <-- [Shape 3] <--/

The ordering table is a reverse linked list. In memory it starts with the packets to display at the front of the screen, and ends with those furthest back, so that the index in the list is analogous to a z-index. However it is processed back-to-front to implement the "painter's algorithm". When the ordering table is ready it is processed with DrawOTag() passing the last element.

Because primitives need to live longer than the functions that declare them, they need to be initialised in a global buffer instead of the stack. (Otherwise functions returning / entering would overwrite the stack memory).

Each primitive can be between 3 to 13 words (each word is 4 bytes as the PSX is 32 bit). Generally the primitive buffers can just be declared as arrays of char and then the programmer uses sizeof and pointer arithmetic to work with the memory. The SDK I'm using provides several macros to help with setting up primitives.

Generally two ordering tables and primitive buffers are kept in memory, for the same reason two graphics buffers support performance. One set primitives / linked list can be drawn whilst the other is being prepared for the next frame.

Displaying text

There is a simple debug text font, but it looks very rough and basic. Instead I opted to create a TIM format texture from some PNG pixel art. I wasn't completely happy with how this looked, but I didn't want to focus all my energy on just displaying text.

You can see the debug and TIM fonts in the image below:


Displaying a play piece

todo - polygonal graphics, gourad shading

Controller input

PSOne controllers are somewhat complex. There are many types (lightguns, mice, analog, digital, multitaps) and a mixture of APIs for accessing them. For most purposes it's fine to use PSNoobSDK's StartPAD and InitPAD functions. These will poll the controllers every frame (vsync) and copy state into a buffer you provide. The actual button data is provided as a map of 16 bits, though curiously the bits are all inverted (i.e. they're 1 when unpressed)

// 2x ports, 34 bytes for each (each port may have a 4 controller multitap)
char joypads[2][34];

// Tell BIOS to pass data into these buffers
InitPAD(joypads[0], 34, joypads[1], 34);

// Poll every vsync

// Handle PSX kernel bug where StartPAD() blocks VSync() due to re-enabling vsync interrupts

while (true) {
  // ...Somewhere in render loop

  // Check joy 1 connected
  if (joypads[0][0] == 0) {
    // Use PSNoobSDK PADTYPE for convenience
    p_pad = (PADTYPE*) joypads[0];

    // Check digital pad
    if (p_pad->type == 0x04) {
      // Button bits are inverted
      uint16_t pressed = ~ (p_pad->btn);

      // Mask bits to get pressed buttons
      if (pressed & PAD_CIRCLE) {
        printf("You pressed Circle!\n");
      } else {
        // et cetera

Creating a UI

Porting the game code

Everything together

Running on PlayStation